Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Flower Fairy

It's too cold and rainy tonight, even for a Flower Fairy, so I think I'll come inside.

I hope the humans who live here don't see me!

*gasp!* I hear someone coming!

Where shall I hide?!

Just made it! I blend right in.

G'night all.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

But Itty Bitty Butt

I've been sewing a lot lately. Mostly it has been tights, tights, and more tights! I've now got 13 different colours of LittleFee/YoSd sized tights available in my Etsy store. For many of the colours I've sewn 9 or more pairs. For the remaining colours I have made up at least 2 pairs, with plans to sew up more in the coming days.

I'll be keeping at least two pairs of each colour for my own dolls' use. They sure won't have trouble finding just the right tights for any dress they might want to wear now!

And speaking of dresses, these girls appreciate the dignity of a pair of panties under those skirts! "Spampy" (an awesome vendor of clothes for tiny dolls) has shared with me a pattern for itty bitty panties and I had great fun making up a few pairs in a most basic white cotton.

Itty bitty resin butts are SO cute!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tiny Omission

I totally forgot to take pictures of this little PukiPuki sweater I finished a while ago. I made it while my daughter's Darjeeling, Clover was visiting.

It's a raglan done top down, fitting as I went. The yarn is Knitpicks Shadow laceweight in "forest heather", which in real life looks most like the lower picture.

Clover went home today. The LittleFees miss their tiny friend.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The LittleFee girls, Peanut and Pumpkin, got together with their cousins, Clover and Pip, to wish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day. They all made an effort to show up in their prettiest green dresses for the portrait.

When Clover and Pip went down for their afternoon nap Pumpkin got up and danced because, as she said, "No St.Patrick's Day is complete without a bit of a jig."

It wasn't long before Peanut joined in too!

I don't think they really know how to dance a jig, but they sure had a barrel of fun!

Hopping and tapping. . . . .

. . . . . jumping and reeling. . . . .

. . . . . . and doing their best to talk in Irish accents for the day.

When all the music and hilarity was over, they were exhausted!

And quickly fell asleep.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

She Scores!

While out running errands this morning I had a few minutes to wait before an arranged meeting and I stepped into a thrift store just to pass the time. I found this; 20 reels of narrow ribbon and a bag full of narrow lace!

It's perfect for the doll clothes I've been making!

Monday, March 07, 2011

Inspection Team

See! It's not always all about the dollies around here. Sometimes they help me with my other hobbies. ;-)

After nearly two years of not using my floor loom I finally listened to it's call and put on a mixed warp for a couple of scarves. I had last woven on the loom during the most intensely stressful time of my life and somehow my desire to put that horrid time behind me meant that I also left weaving for a much longer period of time than I had anticipated.

To come back to the hobby in the gentlest and safest way possible I purchased a mixed scarf warp last October at the Desert Mesa Spin-In. Even with the warp all calculated, measured, cut and bundled for me, it still took another six months for me to actually approach the loom and get it warped. But for me, warping is the hard part, the part that I dread, and now that it's over. . . .

. . . . . . and I'm back on the weaving bench again, I am really enjoying it. I'm using my own handspun wool/silk/angelina blend and I love the look it's producing in a simple, plain weave.

Peanut and Pumpkin love it too. They are wondering what my plans are for the remaining several feet of warp that remains now that I've completed both scarves.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Tunic With Two Sleeves

Remember that first top down raglan tunic I was knitting for Peanut? The one that ended up having only one sleeve when I ran out of the correct colour run I needed for the second sleeve? Well the yarn that a kind Ravelry member promised to me came through the mail very quickly and I was able to finish that second sleeve. I just forgot to come back and show the finished sweater. Here it is:

Free pattern is available on Ravelry.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Dolly Dress Shop

Well it's official. I'm a "business woman". I've launched an Etsy shop to sell my handmade items. It's titled "Wovenflame" naturally. ;)

Although I'll eventually sell other handmade things as well, my first product line is itty bitty PukiPuki doll dresses. The first five are up now and the remaining 27 will be added gradually over the next few weeks.

I hope you'll come by and take a peek, even if you are not in the market for little dolly dresses.

It's kind of like my "opening night" and I could use the encouragement. Thanks!