Friday, August 31, 2012

Buggy Crazy

I had so much fun yesterday taking these little Dollar Store baby shower party favours.....

Buggies before customization.

.....and "upcycling" them with paint to become these vintage looking, wicker baby buggies.

Hello Baby.

It was a lot of work! All day really, but so much fun that the day flew by.

Can I keep them all

So happy!

I can't choose.

Now Becky is having trouble deciding which one is her favourite.

strolling along

Three buggies for only one little girl? Hmm.....maybe I need more Realpukies?

Shhh, shhh, shhhh.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gathered Together

I gathered everyone together today, changed their clothing and posed them together for a group shot.

August Group Shot

My group has dwindled a little! Last month I sold Petunia and Ms Muffet and traded Mr Magoo's faceplate for another. Ever since Petunia's beautiful, custom, Lana Dobbs faceup flaked away I was disheartened with her. She wasn't the same doll I had fallen in love with. I can't see me getting another Pukipuki though. I am not all that fond of the size and chunkier looking body.

Since selling Ms Muffet and what is essentially Mr Magoo (though it was just his faceplate), I've become newly inspired by the one remaining Realpuki body which has become "Becky" with the addition of a closed eye Popo faceplate my daughter wasn't using.

Becky Aug 2012

Becky will eventually get a custom faceup by Ban Sidhe. She has to wait her turn though. My white skin, Juri '08, Panalaya, is on her way to Ban's for a faceup, manicure, and pedicure. The Pupu faceplate I traded for Mr Magoo is already there at Ban's spa waiting on his turn at an eye opening and faceup. His name will be "Bobby" after my little brother (who's not so little anymore!). And of course with only one Realpuki body on hand now, and two characters wishing to inhabit it, it seems enevitable that I will eventually need a second Realpuki body again. *sigh*  Kicking myself for selling that second Realpuki body!!

On the far left in the group shot is Peanut, my first ball jointed doll, a Littlefee Elf Ante.

Peanut Aug 2012

Normally she wears a longer wig, a "Lexy" by Monique, but it's starting to get pretty flyaway and needs some tender loving care, so she's wearing her alternate, a "Dora" also by Monique. I actually quite like this shorter style on her.

At the top right is Morganna, my Minifee Mirwen that also occasionally shows up as "Candace" and "Gunhilda", alternate characters for the same head but using different wardrobes and wigs. I think you'll be seeing far less of those latter two though.

Morganna Aug 2012

Just below Morganna, also on the far right, is Pumpkin. She is a Littlefee Leah, and was the second ball jointed doll to arrive, only one week after the first. She had actually been ordered together with Peanut and together the first two dolls were patterned after my granddaughters in their colouring and hair types.

Pumpkin Aug 2012

At the bottom centre is Serenity, my only real impulse buy of the group. She was an "in stock" Pukifee Cupid from Fairyland that I bought shortly after seeing my daughter's new Pukifee. Adorable size, but I doubt that I'll ever own more than just the one of this size. Serenity was a great help serving as a model for an entire eBook of knitting patterns that I sell for that size.

Serenity Aug 2012

Missing from the group picture, but not forgotten, is Shannon. She couldn't be present because she is still waiting on her body. It's on order now and should be arriving some time in late October.


Let's hope that this time it will go better than last, when the body I had ordered for her arrived in WHITE, and though she was unplanned, Panalaya was created.

Friday, August 24, 2012

And a Pair for Maddie Too

A Ravelry member had a question about the stitch count in the free crocheted panty pattern and the only way I could really double check was to work the pattern again in the Pukipuki size she was questioning. Turns out she was right, my numbers were off.

Free pattern for Puki and Realpuki panties.

Now that I have sold Petunia, I no longer have a Pukipuki so my daughter's doll of that size, Maddie, came for a visit to do another modelling gig. She did such a fine job I'll let her keep the little blue panties.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No More Breezy Bum

 Now that she has a pretty little dress to wear she has stripped down to nearly nothing! Just can't win.


She seems pretty pleased with herself anyway!

back view

Becky's panties

The FREE PATTERN is on Raverly. It's a bit fiddly, but it won't cost more than a little of your time to try it out.

free pattern for Pukipuki and Realpuki panties

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Who's Happy Now?

Never let a little Popo into the sewing room with you when it comes time to pick out an embellishment. What was to be a simple addition of a ribbon bow turned into iridescent ribbon, beads and embroidery! But awww......look at the happy little face!

who's happy now

Monday, August 20, 2012

A Little Early Perhaps

Perhaps this is jumping the gun a bit, seeing as this is not her final faceup, but I wanted to introduce little "Becky".

Becky and her bunny

I crocheted Becky a little dress last night. After looking at the photo for a bit today I realized it should have a little bow along that ribbon line somewhere, to finish it off. I'll get to that in a bit.

Becky will be off to Ban's Boutique in a while for a few adjustments to her faceup. I'm not sure if Ban will need to wipe her and start new or not. I'm pretty sure that the changes to her eyebrows and teeth could be done with the existing faceup intact, but I also want those eye lines lightened and changed a bit. That might involve wiping and starting over. Not sure as I'm NO faceup artist! I'll leave that decision to the expert.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

RealPuki Update

There have been some changes around here since my last post. I've been quite busy with sales listings and correspondence related to the sales of my doll clothing, but also my teeny, tiny, little Realpuki dolls, Mr Magoo and Ms Muffet.

Mr Magoo and Ms Muffet will be travelling

At the time of my last post, only one week ago, I had been planning on selling both of my Realpuki dolls, but was suddenly having second thoughts. I was even considering maybe keeping them both and having them both repainted as younger looking characters, more fitting as clothing models for this particular doll type.

Magoo hits the road

Well, since that post things have moved along quite quickly! Both characters, but not both dolls, have been sold. What I mean is that the essence of Magoo, his faceplate and his most identifiable props, the bike and his fedora, have moved on. But I have kept his body.

I had a Magoo fan in Germany! Who knew?! That fan could just not bear the thought that Magoo would not live on, that I was planning on "wiping" his cute, highly identifiable little face. To save his life she offered a blank faceplate in trade. So "Magoo" and a few of his props and items of clothing as pictured above, have now moved on to Germany. In his place a blank "Pupu" faceplate is being shipped to my favourite faceup artist in the US to become a whole new, younger looking character.

Here's the little Pupu. Still haven't decided if I will have the eyes opened on this one or not. The faceup artist, Ban Sidhe, can do that if I wish. At this point I'm thinking I probably will....just not fully committed yet.

So I'm seeing this one as a rosy cheeked little boy maybe? Reminds me so much of my little brother when he was 3 or 4 years old! He needs a little baseball cap. I can do that! I have a pattern.  >grin<

And then there was Ms Muffet. I ended up selling her, body and all, to a doll enthusiast in Arizona that was regretting selling her own little Soso (same sculpt). By that point though I had decided to keep Ms Muffet's wig myself as I had plans for it.

Final Photo

So Ms Muffet is wigless and on her way to Arizona!

My daughter had a spare faceplate for her own Realpuki Popo. Well....not exactly "spare", the doll came as a package deal with a sleeping face included, but she doubts that she will ever use it.  So I have this additional option. I will for sure be getting something done with that blank Pupu face pictured earlier, but now I'm considering also using this little face occasionally.

Possible RP character

She makes such a darling, mischievous looking little toddler girl!'s where I stand now: (on the fence! LOL)

The blank Pupu will likely have "mods" to make it open eyed, and will get a custom faceup, and shall be made into either a boy, or a character I can use as both a boy or a girl depending on wardrobe and wig choices.

The Popo might stay as she is, or be redone by the faceup artist with almost the same sort of faceup, except with eyebrows (I don't care for the default eyebrows which are faint "dots"),  prettier squinty eyes, and a sun kissed nose with slight freckling. Oh...and this particular faceup artist is a master at painting ultra tiny, perfect white maybe 6 or 8 of those perched up front making her look even younger.

Comments are very welcome and encouraged.  :-)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Change of Heart

I was in the process of selling both of my RealPuki dolls, deeming them too small, but I've had a bit of a change of heart. I think what I'll do now is have at least one of them redone as a freckle faced, sun kissed toddler that I can then use for modelling photos for RealPuki clothing on Etsy.

It looks like the teeny little super guy, Mr Magoo, will be the one that is redone. His faceup has a small chip in it and Ms Muffet is still unscathed, so he makes the logical choice.

chipped faceup

I'll miss him though!

Magoo's Harley

So I'll sell off Ms Muffet and have Magoo's faceup redone as a much younger gender-neutral character. I've already restyled Ms Muffets wig into little toddler like piggies and I really like the way they look. So "with wig" the doll can model as a girl. Without the wig the doll will become a boy. That way I can stock my Etsy shop with clothing for dolls of either gender.

a younger Miss Muffet

Unless......unless.....somehow before Ms Muffet sells I find a way to keep them both and have them BOTH redone as toddlers. Little bitty twin boy/girl toddlers.

I love this hobby! So many possible variations to one doll.

Monday, August 06, 2012

Petunia Waves Bye Bye!

Petunia wanted to be sure to visit my blog one last time to wave bye, bye to her friends and fans.

Petunia waves goodbye.

She's moving tomorrow to Alaska where she will live with "radiant_blue" and begin her new life as a .....

hand knit watch cap and hoodie


I wish the little Pukipuki PongPong all the best and hope he finds happiness, fun, and a whole lot more attention with his new owner.

Bye, bye little fella.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Floral Flourish

Finally it's Panalaya's turn to be fitted for a corset.


Her first one ended up a little too low in the front so I added a bit of a floral spray for modesty's sake.


She also got a skirt to wear with it, but I think the longer, straighter ones suit her better.


Other than needing to raise the front a wee bit I think the fit of this one is great. Corset for large bust Minifee, version 2, coming in a few days.