Monday, March 26, 2018

Boro Progress

Looking back through previous blog posts I see that I started the work on this boro vest almost a year ago. Since the last update I've added many more patches and a whole lot of stitching to the front.

It's still not "complete". Some of the patches don't have their reinforcing stitching done.

And I have plans to eventually add patches to those lower pockets as well.

In the meantime I wear the vest almost daily, as an added layer as one would a favourite cardigan,

and that has added some wear to the front button band which, in the true boro style, now needs patches on its patches! I hope to keep repairing this garment as the need arises. I think it has an element of "wabi-sabi" to it. Quoting a Wikipedia's entry on wabi-sabi: "The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete."

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Finished at Long Last

I've been far busier lately than my non-existent blogging might suggest! Knowing how the computer can be a time sucking vortex I've been avoiding it, preferring to spend my time in more productive pursuits. It's working, I have finished projects!
In the last while I finally managed to finish sweaters for BOTH of my granddaughters. The girls have been waiting for their promised "back to school" sweaters for quite some time! I lost my knitting mojo part way through and the projects stalled for months on end. Then when I had the knitting nearly complete I discovered that both cardigans needed some adjustments to fit properly. That was rather discouraging and again the knitting stalled.

But now, finally, the delayed projects are complete and have been delivered -- a full six months later than I originally intended, but still large enough for both girls to wear them for quite some time yet. Years perhaps! In other hobby news: Work continues on the "My Year In Temperatures" scarf, my denim boro vest is constantly being added to, and my large cross-stitch picture is nearly complete with only the back stitching yet to be done. I work on that last project every single day, without fail.

Saturday, March 03, 2018

February All Knit Up

The work on the "My Year in Temperatures" scarf continues. February is now all knit up. The section you see from black garter stitch ridge to black garter stitch ridge is February's section.

Each day is represented by three rows in a colour that coincides with the day's high temperature in Chilliwack. The dots that are placed every 6th stitch on the 2nd row of each day are in the colour that represents the low for that day. Kapisch?

This photo of the knitting since the beginning of the year is probably the last shot where you will see the project in its entirety. A little more knitting and it will be too long to capture in one photograph! At the end of the year my calculations have it at a length of about 10 feet! Perhaps not a practical length, but fun!