Sunday, October 31, 2021

Teddy's First Hallowe'en

 Happy Hallowe'en everyone, from Li'l One-eyed Teddy!

This is his very first Hallowe'en, and he's a little bummed that he didn't get a costume to go out Trick-or-Treating. 

He figured costumes like "Cyclops", "Flying Purple People Eater", "Long John Silver" and "Mad Eye Moody" would be perfect for a uniquely handsome guy like himself.

But he is only a little over 12 weeks old and until he has been fully vaccinated it's not considered safe for him to be out and about where other dogs may have been.

Maybe next year Teddy. I know at least one neighbour who would be sure to have a little treat for you -- costume or not. 

Monday, October 04, 2021

Where Does a Teddy Sleep?

 Where does Teddy, our new Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, sleep?

Officially? -- in his little kennel. At least that's where he sleeps at night and occasionally during the day when he feels so inclined.

But if everyone is downstairs and keeping an eye on him he also has a little bed there. 

He really appreciates sleeping on laps or cradled in someone's arms too.

And if a "walk" happens when he is sufficiently tired he'll sleep in a sling too. Today (cue ominous music) he wasn't sufficiently tired and the walk was no nap. For me it was more like wrestling with a 5 pound many toothed shark or a tiger! Next time I'll be bringing his teething ring just in case!

Saturday, October 02, 2021

Teddy's Homecoming.

Teddy came home with us this morning! He was a very good boy for the whole trip, not a whimper! He's also the first puppy we've ever brought home without a barfing-in-the-car incident.

Teddy's blind left eye doesn't stop him from being curious about the world around him.

He doesn't like the grass though. That might make potty training a bit tricky.

I took him out in a Snuggly-like puppy sling and he immediately fell asleep and seems quite content in there.

Do you think he might end up a bit spoiled here? 😄