I did manage to get another loom dressed in time for the New Year.
A fiber-crafts fanatic who lives to create. I'm also "Wovenflame" on Ravelry, Flickr, ETSY, DoA and yahoogroups.
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Italian Silk To Begin the New Year
One Neck Kink Later
I managed to get the 6 metre, 480 thread warp onto the Woolhouse Tools Carolyn yesterday, but it was quite the undertaking and resulted in a sore neck.
Thursday, December 29, 2022
New Starts for the New Year
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Narrow Scarf Passes the Test
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Nano2 Arrival
My little Nano2 spinning wheel from Dreaming Robots has arrived. I backed the Kickstarter for it with no hesitation whatsoever since the inventor, Maurice Ribble, has such an excellent track record with his Kickstarter funded projects.
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Kisses For Santa
Tuesday, December 06, 2022
Brightening a Dark Corner
In 2020 I wove a Saori wall hanging. I had a difficult time finding the perfect spot for it. It is lit with 50 tiny battery operated Christmas lights. If hung where it is too dark the weaving itself doesn't show, just the lights. If hung in a bright place the weaving looks great but the lights aren't show to best effect. This year I have found the perfect corner. It's away from direct light but not in total darkness either.