Sunday, December 03, 2023

The End of an Era?

I want to thank those of you who have been reading my blog, some since the very early days. I started blogging at the very tail end of 2004 and over the years blogged about anything creative I was up to. Back then it was a way of keeping records for my own recollection. 

Now, with Ravelry, that sort of record keeping is not as pertinent for me. Blogs are no longer read with the fervor that they once were either. We creative types have other ways of staying in touch with each other.

As you may have noticed my posts here have become fewer and farther between. I know blogging is less common these days, and to tell the truth most days I just don't have enough to say to make a wordy post. My creative endeavors continue, I'm just less inclined to post in depth about it. 

If you've missed me at all you are welcome to follow me on Instagram where I have started posting photos of my projects along with other little snippets of life. My explanations of the photos will be brief and to the point. I may still pop in here from time to time, but for the most part you'll find me on Instagram and at Ravelry. In both places my username is still wovenflame. On Ravelry my username is capitalized Wovenflame. See you there?