Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Hog for a son.

Well it seems that if I want to keep up with my blog I am going to have to choose some time of the day other than just before bed! Every time I think that I will just "blog a bit" before I hit the sack, I come around the corner to see my son on the computer. Hmmm.... I guess that IS allowed seeing as I spend my fair share of time on the computer earlier in the day. Still how's a gal supposed to write about her day when the day is not yet done? ;-) Especially when I get most of my knitting done in those last couple of hours before bed.

So...to sum up the last two days of knit-related activity:

I have started on the second sock of the pair and have gotten as far as finishing the toe-increases (toe up sock). This was my goal as I like to have a sock at the mindless stage (straight knitting or ribbing) for road trips and waiting rooms. So, I have set that one aside for just such times.

I also cast on for the front of the Eyelet Cable Tank Top and knit about one inch. That one is SO slow going and repetitious that I am itching to pick up something else for a while. I think if it wasn't for the fact that I want to WEAR it this summer, I would abandon it all together. Not that it isn't lovely, just I am tired of working on it. Too much sameness.

The Bed and Breakfast Pullover sits sadly in the corner of the family room awaiting my return. Maybe I will give that one a few rows today to quiet its tears of abandonment. It is hard to get enthusiastic about knitting a thick HOT pullover when the weather is so warm.

And BEFORE I touch any knitting today I MUST do a little housework. I always know when I have been neglecting a task too long........I start having panicky dreams!

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