Thursday, July 22, 2004

Silverfish? Moths?

Yesterday I pulled a sweater set out of my closet to take a picture of it only to find that something has eaten small holes in both the skirt and the sweater. Grrrrr! Although I did not wear this sweater set very much (too hot!) it had a lot of sentimental value for me. I designed it myself, and it was my final project in a college machine knitting class. Not only had I received top marks for it (A+) but I had also received special recognition from the faculty of the Fashion Design Department. The staff and students broke into applause during the fashion show when the model wore this outfit down the runway. So, as you might imagine, I considered this particular work my "crowning glory".

Stupid me, I stored it improperly. Or more close to the truth.....I didn't store it at all. I had it folded neatly and placed at the bottom of a wire crate system on the floor of my closet. :-( When I first saw all the holes I assumed it was moths although I have never, ever seen one in the house. But, then I remembered reading somewhere that silverfish will do the same kind of damage and I have definitely seen those in our house, although never in our bedroom closet.

Anyway, a little late and much after the fact I have put the sweater set away in my cedar chest (where it should have been to begin with!) and someday, with a little creative redirection, it may become another pair of "fairisle socks" and a hat. *sigh*


  1. How DREADFUL! What a beautiful outfit, too!

  2. Hopefully it is salvagable for something...It is a beautiful set!

    I wish I would have taken up knitting sooner and maybe found a class for it in college--it would have beaten those Really, Really Hard Class Blues!!

  3. I'm heartbroken for you! It is such a beautiful sweater set, along with the sentiment.

  4. Amanda, it is never too late to take college classes. I was in my late 30's when I took 2 years of Fashion Design. And make no mistake, it WAS tough. Very, very tough. Despite excellent marks I never made it all the way through the program. All that homework while taking care of a young family and working part time was more than I could handle.

    My daughter is in college now and she has no where near the homework I had back then. For every hour I spent in class, most of my classes had at LEAST that many hours of homework if not double. Along with the fun classes like Knitting and Weaving there were also the nasties like History, Textiles and my personal terror, Pattern Drafting.

    Major assignments were expected to be presented professionally and in front of the faculty and your classmates and it was the Head of the department's personal "style" to do what she could to "dress you down". Grown women would leave the room in tears. It was very tough. I don't regret my time there, it was a real growing time. I'm glad its over though!
