Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Add another to the list.

Today's entry is a tad late.....(this fact was indignantly pointed out by my daughter).....because I have been surfing the net with dreams of a Rouge. I seem to be late to the gate in admiring this one as there has been plenty of talk about this hoodie pullover at KR and I have only just now investigated. Wow, what an impressive design!

As Kristy and I discussed which of us was actually going to knit the pattern (she suggested that perhaps I would like to knit it for HER while I insisted that she was now capable of knitting it herSELF) it came up that I prefer to have zip front sweaters rather than pulling the darn things over my head. (THAT time of life seems to be sneaking up on me where I go from being too cold to suddenly being WAY too hot and the need to be constantly yanking a sweater on and off over my head is unappealing.) I was saying to Kris that it was too bad that the pattern would be hard to divide down the middle to modify into a cardigan. Well! Upon further investigation I find that Claudia has already done all the work for me. Yay Claudia! Check out Claudia's instructions for the "Cardiganizing of the Rouge" at "The Girl From Auntie" under "mods".

So now I have to decide where to fit the "Rouge" into my "must do" list. I am thinking perhaps it will be AFTER I finish ALL projects currently on the needles* but before the "Giant Lativian Mitten Cardigan" is designed and knit. The rather vague instructions for the GLMC are more than a little off-putting and I find myself looking for excuses to delay its start.

*Currently on the Needles* = One pair of Kroy socks, Twisted Rib Tank, and the Bed and Breakfast Pullover.


  1. Make the Rogue!! You'll love it. I'm currently making one and loving it. I am making the pullover, but like you, would like to try my hand at making it a cardigan next.

    The twisted rib tank is looking awesome.

  2. Make the Rogue!! You'll love it. I'm currently making one and loving it. I am making the pullover, but like you, would like to try my hand at making it a cardigan next.

    The twisted rib tank is looking awesome.
