Saturday, August 28, 2004

I must live to be 500

It's amazing how I can spend so much time in knitting related pursuits and yet not knit a single stitch! I spent much of today babying my computer through the printing of the Rogue Pullover pattern. I ordered it from here. It comes instantly in a 19 page PDF document that then took an eternity to print. (Not complaining about "the girl from auntie"....I KNOW this is just a problem with my computer/printer speed!) Really, it took HOURS and two computer "freezes" before it was completely printed. Next step is to buy the yarn.

Oh yeah. I guess the REAL next step is to finish all the projects I already have on the go. Why is it that our imagination-creativity-desire is always at least two steps ahead of the needles?! With all the projects I have "in the back of my mind" I'll have to live to be 500 years old to finish them all!

A l-o-n-g time ago I requested that my local library add "Knit and Crochet with Beads" by Lily Chin to their shelves. I got notice this morning that it was in and rushed out to pick it up. What a delightful book. It might even go on my "must buy" list. She has very detailed instructions on how to use beads in your knitted and crocheted items. Along with some very lovely patterns (my favorites being "Afro-centric Vest", "Ethereal Lace Tunic" and "Suspended in Space Stole"), she also explains how to use beading in your own pattern designing.

Of course you know this means my "must do" list has just gotten longer.

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