Friday, September 17, 2004

Basket of Rogue-to-Be

I'm back from my brief vacation visiting relatives on Vancouver Island. My poor husband spent much of one day driving me to every yarn store we could find in the phone book, and then waiting patiently outside while I considered every yarn even remotely suitable for the Rogue Cardigan. Day one I found no yarn that really felt right, but I did come back with a lovely, large basket from Coombs, BC. I'll use that to hold larger works in progress.

On our way to Victoria the next day we found a neat little shop at Whipple Tree Junction (just outside Duncan BC). Well......neat might not be the best word. It was very interesting, but definitely NOT neat. It was the most crowded and messy shop I have ever been in. It kinda reminded me of little hardware stores in small towns. They have absolutely everything you could ever want, but you are very lucky if you can find it! Everywhere (including both sides of the very narrow entryway) is crammed floor to ceiling with yarn. It was a magnificent assault on the senses! After much browsing and digging (much of the stock was still in piles of boxes, bags, and baskets strewn all over the floor) I found a type of yarn that looked like it would work well. It was quite some time later before I came up with all 9 skeins in the same color. No organization niceties here such as having all balls of one color in the same place. Finally on the floor, in a box, under a couple of baskets, I found a full bag of the same color and dye lot.

I checked out a few minutes later with all the "Briggs & Little", "Heritage" wool I will need for the Rogue. It is not the ultra soft, merino yarn I was originally looking for, but there is something about this particular wool that really grabbed my attention. It is rather rough (supposedly it will soften with washing) and "homespun"-ish and has a very sheepy smell to it. I LIKE that sheepy smell. It smacks of "real"-ness.....something that is missing from all the acrylic projects I have done in my life. Hmmmm......I wonder if this is the beginning of becoming a Yarn Snob? First the Merino & Fur and now this 100% wool. My poor Bed and Breakfast Pullover (done in acrylic) will be feeling like a second class citizen.

Here is a photo of both the basket from Coombs, and the Heritage wool.


  1. Good to have you back, Marlene. That yarn store sounds like Romni Wool in Toronto...maybe not that disorganized, but floor to ceiling wool in every weight, colour, brand, you can imagine. Heaven, pure heaven.

    I really like Briggs & Little and my Rogue softened somewhat (not at all as soft as a merino) but some of the courseness is gone. You noticed that sheepy smell too, huh?

  2. Sarah, you are lucky to have so much selection near at hand. I think I would have a real problem with an owner who closed up shop for several hours without posting a note to say so though. Even WITH a note, irregular hours and unexpected closings can be a huge problem for customer's who have a distance to travel. I'm glad she was open when I passed through.

  3. Michelle, when I got back home I looked up Briggs and Little on the internet and when I saw the "Toughie" yarn I realized that I had bought almost the same yarn that you did your Rogue in. The only difference is that "Heritage" doesn't have the nylon that "Toughie" has.

    What did you think of the sheepy smell of the wool? Do you like it or do you prefer your yarn to have less smell? It is a nice change for me......feels all "back to nature".

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  5. The smell didn't bother me a bit, Marlene, and after a soak in Euculan, it dissipated anyway. I'm definately planning on using Briggs again.
