Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Lack of Entries

Sorry about the lack of entries lately. We've had computer problems. Big ones. We ended up starting over with the Back Up disk. I've spent days on the computer re-installing programs and there are still a few that I need to do. One is the program I crop photos with. I have my camera program loaded and running and I CAN crop with it, but I have never figured out how to resize pictures there. I prefer PhotoShop for that function. Without resize, it looks like my blog will be photoless for a while longer.

My sparse blog entries are also, in part, due to my walking, walking and walking. The pedometer is really doing the trick. Each day since I bought it I have been meeting or exceeding my goal of 10,000 steps daily. I MUST take at least an hour walk plus be reasonably active for the remainder of the day to meet that goal. One of the days I spent too much time on the computer and as the evening wore on I had to slip in a bit of dashing about putting away laundry during all TV commercials to be sure that I would make my goal.

Yet one more factor in the long intervals between blog entries is my lack of knitting success to report. I am still plugging away on the Rogue's second sleeve! It seems for every 20 rows I knit I have to rip back about 12 of them. It is NOT because it is difficult. It is because I am having trouble concentrating! I make silly little errors like forgetting to increase when I am supposed to. I can be thinking of it 4 stitches before it needs to be done and them.......fffwip.....I've knit right past the spot and on to the next row.

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