Sunday, September 18, 2005

Baa Baa Bowl

I won one of the many door prizes given out at the annual Spin In hosted by the Chilliwack Spinners and Weavers Guild and held at Ryder Lake Hall.

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I love both the little items I found in the package. I call the first my "Baa, baa bowl". It's just the right size to use as a small vegetable serving dish or a large cereal/soup bowl. The sheepy "kitchen towel" is so cute I think I will save it for a bathroom guest towel. It's very soft, fine, terry cloth and the only reason I know it is supposed to be a kitchen towel, and not a hand towel, is that it was labeled as such.

1 comment:

  1. What an honour to win a door prize! Your 'wins' are very lovely. Bet that was a day-brightner *smiles*
