Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Wool Combs

Whoo, Hooo! My new wool combs arrived today!

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I borrowed a set of these wool combs in December and loved them so much that no others would do. It took me a while to track down the person who makes them. All I had to go by was a tiny punch-stamp that read "Ray00". I googled "ray, woolcombs" and found this site. I tried emailing and phoning to no avail. Finally they popped up on "CanSpin" and I was happy to hear that they had been involved in a big move and were back in business, now in BC.

Mine are the "mini combs". I didn't bother to get the "Workstation" that fits it because I prefer to sit in my comfy chair to do my wool combing and with the workstation you have to stand near a table or countertop suitable for clamping the workstation to.


  1. wow, those look painful! i hope you invested in bandaids, lol. have fun!

  2. Wow - those look like handled heckles, not the combs I'm so used to seeing. They're exactly what I've been looking for!! Oooh, I'm so excited. Thanks for sharing the link. :-)
