On the counter and in the dishwasher.....
.....all across the floor
.....by the back door,
.......even into neighbouring rooms!
There was some in the cupboard,
.....the sink,
......and even the dog's dish!
Even after what was left of the plate was laying scattered about my home, it continued to pop and ping and crack into smaller pieces!
I was glad I was the only person within the line of trajectory. I was hit in the hands, forearms, neck and face by many of the tiny shards. I felt like I had been handling Fiberglas insulation. Some of the deeper scratches actually bled.
Corelle has a guarantee about no breaking or free replacement (or money back?). I really like my Corelle dinnerware. It has served me well for many years. I've had many of the pieces for almost three decades. In that time I recall only two incidences like this. The other was with a bowl that was dropped. So I'm left wondering......Do I return all these razor sharp shards and ask for a replacement? Or do I return all the remaining dishes and purchase a different brand which will be more likely to break easily, but into fewer pieces and without the explosive force?
On my gosh! That's awful!
ReplyDeleteIf it were me, I would return the whole set and buy a set of less explosive dishes. However, I'm a klutz and break about a dish a month. Thanks for the warning about Corelle. I'll never buy them!
Wow! Glad you weren't too hurt by all that glass. What a mess.
ReplyDeleteI love my Corelle dinnerware. I've only had this happen once in all the 20+ years I've used them. I'd call them. Maybe email pics? I don't think that you would have to mail them the shards.
That's scary that they explode like that. I'm glad you weren't hurt worse than you were, the potential was obviously there.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I've had mine explode, too. But only like one or two in the 20 years I've had them. Some of the ones I have were my mother's and I had my grandmother's for a long time, also!
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty scary when it happens, though, isn't it? I'm glad you weren't hurt more badly.
Hey, you're not going to use this as an excuse to not finish warping the loom, are you? (And no, mine isn't a floor model, I couldn't afford the one I came across for sale and even this big studio will be full shortly!)
Good lord, that's SCARY!!! Thank goodness nothing flew up and hit you in the eye! I wonder how many law suits Corelle has had regarding this over the years....
ReplyDeleteCrikey! I've heard of this happening to others, too - someone told me (dunno if this is true) that the plates are just under an incredible amount of stress from the manufacturing process, and that the right tap in the right place (doesn't need to be a lot of force at all) can cause it to explode. Sounds like that's what happened to you! Was the dish hot from the dishwasher?
ReplyDeleteSorry you are hurt!!! But yes, do let them know.
i heard somewhere that corelle explodes because it's glass, and not china/pottery, like most plates. my grandmother gave me two sets for a graduation/wedding/birthday present (they all happened with in a few weeks of each other, but not in that order, lol). i have one piece left, a bowl. and yes, every single piece exploded (usually when dropped) considering this was 22 years ago that i was given this set, and the HUGE # of times it was moved, i'm amazed it lasted as long as it did. and no, i can't find the pattern any more. hope you got it all up. sucks to get them in your feet (yeah, i know, you don't barefoot it, but someone elsemight!)
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine had his plate shatter when it was just sitting next to him on an end table. I've had a couple shatter when dropped. Of course the dog ran right out into the kitchen to see what happened.
ReplyDeleteEven though I cleaned for about an hour, starting high with the cupboard shelves, moving down through sink and counters and then swept and THOROUGHLY vacuumed, even using a crevice tool around the edges, I am still finding litle shards of glass in odd places.
ReplyDeleteI bought Corelle when my daughters were little because of the so-called unbreakable factor. I started finding slivers in the back of the dish cupboard where they had chipped off of the edges. Then I had one explode on me. Unbreakable, my aunt Fanny! I pitched them and got something cheap and they never broke.
ReplyDeleteA few weeks ago, a Corelle cup exploded in my hand when it was lightly tapped. Since it was from an old set of dishes, we discarded the entire set. Then, we bought a new set of Corelle. Yesterday, I stacked 4 of the new Corelle plates, still warm from the dishwasher, on the shelf on top of 4 other of the new Corelle plates at room temperature. About 30 seconds later, the lowest of the 4 warm plates exploded. While the manufacturer agreed to replace the plate, I am concerned about repeats and about the risks caused by the exploding shards of glass. We store our dishes roughly at eye level.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Bev. Not a blogger. But felt I needed to share this. Just this weekend, my daughter was sitting at the table with her friends. Her half eaten dinner had been sitting in front of her for over a half hour and was at room temperature. No one touched the table or the plate, but the plate exploded right in front of them. For the most part, it shattered in place with only a portion of the shards hitting the kids. Although, one of them was talking and got a chunk of it in his mouth! I see that this unusual occurrence has indeed happened to others. Hard to believe!
ReplyDeleteThis is way after the original post, but I'm glad I found it, to know a black hole didn't penetrate my house!
ReplyDeleteI had a Corelle platter sitting in the dish rack, and the top of it simply blew off. Fortunately, it didn't blow into as many pieces as yours.
Actually, corelle website now lists "shatter without warning" to their disclaimers.
DO NOT use or repair any item that is chipped, cracked, or severely scratched. Damaged items may break or shatter without warning.
ReplyDeleteSorry "THE CHISHOM S 1300", I was never able to find an address to request a refund.
ReplyDeleteI did notice that the Corelle sets now on the market only gaurentee them for 3 years. Too many "bombs" going off in the older ones perhaps?
I just had the exact same incidnet happen to me at Walmart. It has to be the new units. The noise was so loud I was defend for 2hrs and the shrapnel hit the ceiling and bounced down on several heads, several isles. was amazing. Ive dropped glass before and i habve broken corell but this new stuff is beyond dangerous.
ReplyDeleteThe plates MUST have air pockets in them because they litterally explode. people came running from all over. hands were cut. nerves were shot. dont break my butt
It's not just the new ones Wanda. The old ones explode too.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting "Corelle Shrapnel," which I saw for the first time yesterday (January 28, 2009), within an hour after I experienced my first (and last) "exploding" Corelle dinner plate. The plate--one of a large dinnerware set owned by my late mother-in-law--had been in my husband's exclusive use since early 2004, and had been in my use since late July 2008.
ReplyDeleteYesterday afternoon, while rummaging through the kitchen countertop dish strainer to find a thermos cap for my husband, the Corelle plate fell (a distance of three feet) to the linoleum floor with an explosive crack. The plate shattered into hundreds--perhaps thousands--of razor-sharp shards. Fortunately, the plate fell in a cabinet-bordered corner, which helped contain the shards, but I continued finding shards after one sweeping and multiple hands-and-knees damp-wipings.
I am in my mid-50s, and I have owned (and accidentally broken) many kinds of dinnerware and glassware. However, this has been my first time using Corelle dinnerware, and until yesterday, I had never seen a dinner plate shatter in such a manner. My husband also witnessed the shatter, and was certain that the plate shattered merely because it had fallen "the wrong way." I wasn't so certain. After my husband left for work, I jumped on the Web and found your blog, which I popped into my Favorites, so that my husband could view it when he returned home from work.
I told my husband that for safety's sake, we must discard every piece of Corelle. After viewing your pictures-are-worth-a-thousand-words blog and your readers' posted comments, my husband agreed. He and I will be shopping for safe, non-Corelle dinnerware either today or tomorrow.
Thank you for documenting the dangers of Corelle dinnerware.
My Corelle salad bowl spontaneously exploded in front of me when I was 3/4 through my salad. It threw shards for several feet. The explosion was loud. I was amazed at how tiny and sharp the pieces were. Everything was at room temperature for hours. I have no explanation.
ReplyDeleteI found this site after breaking a Corelle dinner plate. It fell from the kitchen counter to the floor and it shattered into thousands of pieces, literally. Most dishes DO NOT break like that! I have never seen a dish break into so many pieces. There were thousands of shards and shrapnel scattered all over my kitchen. I found tiny pieces in every corner. I was so shocked I decided to do a search on the Internet to see if this was common. Lo and behold, I found many mentions of Corelle dishes breaking and exploding into tiny pieces.
ReplyDeleteI think Corelle is a dishonest company for selling such unsafe dishes. Someone should really sue them. It took me half and hour to clean up the mess. I will never buy a Corelle product ever again!
I just found this web site for the same reason the most resent poster mentioned. I accidentally dropped a Corelle dinner plate in the kitchen and on the tile, and it was explosive to say the least. I have to honestly say I have never seen a dish break in this manner. Most dishes will break into several pieces, but my Corelle broke into so many microscopic pieces and dangerously sharp shrapnel, frankly, I am getting rid of all of mine. I would rather have cheaper ceramic plates, that when they break, will not break into a kagillion pieces! The explosive sound of the dish breaking, and the distance to which it scattered was very scary! I wonder if our armed forces could shoot Corelle plates out of a cannon at the enemy. Imagine the casualties and damage this would cause! Like shrapnel bombs they would be! I frankly think Corelle should get their act together and make a safer REAL none shatter plate, and not these dangerous ones they try to pawn off to the public as safe. Imagine if you accidentally dropped a Corelle plate while your small child was near by. Very scary!!! Although I think I cleaned up all of this shattered plate, but I bet I will be finding shrapnel for years to come! Lily Darcey
ReplyDeleteYup - same story here! Just walked in with the kids to find that a Corelle bomb went off on my kitchen floor (cat knocked over a plate). These dishes are history!!
ReplyDeleteOn Oct. 11th. I dropped a small Corelle plate, beside my left foot, on the linoleum floor at my sister's house. It exploded like a bomb ( and sounded like one too ) and shards and chunks went everywhere. I was wearing my sandals and the force of the explosion drove 2 pieces of glass into the side of my foot. We were able to see the end of one and get it out but the other required a trip to the emergency ward. The Doctor on call told me has seen quite a few injuries from these dishes. He also told me he was glad I came in as glass will migrate through the body and will they will never find it. You can then run into some serious medical issues. These dishes are not only dangerous, but the company advertising borders on fraud. Sure, they don't break, they explode! All I could think of was what might of occurred if I had dropped one of my Corelle plates on my granite counterops - close to my face and eyes. All my dishes are now in the local dump, where they belong. Do not take them to Goodwill or give them to somebody. My question is why this is being allowed to happen and why they are still being sold. Today, I filed a formal complaint with the Consumer Protection Branch of the Canadian Govt.
ReplyDeleteI have the same experience with an old Corelle bowl. I've heard that they explode like that only because the crystalline structure of the material has changed as they age and they become under stress like tempered glass. The new ones should not break nor explode. You mentioned your dinner wares are like 30 years old. Perhaps you should find out from Corning if they are will to replace your whole set. Each piece of your 30 year old dinner ware may have turned into a time bomb.
ReplyDeleteWell "Anonymous", as Wanda pointed out in a comment above, she had a BRAND NEW piece explode in the same manner, so it isn't just the OLD stuff.
ReplyDeleteLast night my six year old twin daughters and I were at the kitchen table doing homework. I had hand washed 4 of my Corelle soup bowls and left them to dry on the drying rack on the counter by the sink. We heard a loud crackle sound and turned to watch as one of the Corelle Bowls basically exploded into the air, sending shrapnell all over the kitchen! real weird! Almost like it was possessed! Thankfully we were not in the range of fire. During the past year, I have lost a Corelle serving bowl that was dropped on my wooden kitchen floor and chatered in tiny pieces all over the kitchen similar to the above picture. I lost a rimmed bowl and another soup bowl by also dropping them. Various pieces on the rest of the set have been chipping around the edges. i bought this set because I is promoted as being unbreakable! Buyer beware: this product is dangerous!
ReplyDeleteMy bowl also exploded with the same force and tiny pieces flew everywhere too, just like Marlene's pictures. I must tell everyone to avoid Corning's dinnerware! Thanks Marlene for starting this blog. It helps to know my incident was not rare.
ReplyDeleteIts good to know my exploding dish was not rare. We'll choose ordinary breakable tableware over these time-bombs. Our family's safety is too important to be using "Corelle Bombs". Please warn your friends and family, for safety sake.
ReplyDeleteFrom Vancouver,BC.
I can't believe I found this site. I was putting away my Corelle soup bowl, (which is at least 20 yrs.old) and two seconds after being put on the shelf it cracked in half all by itself. Really scary to see.
ReplyDeleteI've had Corelle for years, and broken my share of it. Today at dinner an oval serving plate shattered, just sitting on the table. No one got hurt, luckily.
ReplyDeleteThey're my favorite dishes, but I hadn't realized they could explode without warning.
I just found this site after a startling experience yesterday. My duaghter and myself were making dinner and hear a loud TINK sound. We couldn't figure out where it came from or what it was. When it came time to serve dinner I opened the kitchen cuboard to get a plate and found that the top plate had exploded into tiny shards. This cuboard was at eye level. Thankfully this occurred behind a closed cuboard door. I now plan on getting rid of the remaining plates and will by a different product. THanks to all for sharing your stories otherwise I may have put this to fluke or a one time thing.
ReplyDeleteI just found this site after a startling experience yesterday. My duaghter and myself were making dinner and hear a loud TINK sound. We couldn't figure out where it came from or what it was. When it came time to serve dinner I opened the kitchen cuboard to get a plate and found that the top plate had exploded into tiny shards. This cuboard was at eye level. Thankfully this occurred behind a closed cuboard door. I now plan on getting rid of the remaining plates and will by a different product. THanks to all for sharing your stories otherwise I may have put this to fluke or a one time thing.
ReplyDeleteThankfully it's only the slight bleeding and clean-up hassle, I have read about major medical problems, specially when it enters the body.
ReplyDeleteholy shxt, I just dropped one of my 50 corelle dishes and it shoots over 30 feet to the front door from my kitchen table...
ReplyDeletewell, guaranteed for 3 years... not 3 years and a few days!
and their website for complains has internal server error all the time too, sux
I told my children to unload the dishwasher and a stack of the plates fell and shattered into a million pieces shooting at least 20 to 30 ft. We also had to take the kids to the ER because the glass cut my son very badly. Glass was in my daughters eye. We are so lucky they are ok because when I looked at the kitchen blood was everywhere and glass! I was unaware of this danger, and have thrown out what was left. Very dangerous!
ReplyDeleteThank you to everyone for these posts. We have been having trouble with our Corelle plates and bowls and thought it was just us. They started shattering for no reason - they are not misused - and the stories noted here have convinced me to toss the lot and start fresh with something else. Some of the dishes are 10+ yrs old, others are new. The shattering has happened to both old and new.
ReplyDeleteThe last straw happened moments ago when my daughter started screaming - she was eating goldfish crackers from a small fruit nappy and was traumatized when a shard came off the lip of the bowl. She was simply sitting there with the bowl in her lap. She's 5. She looked down, saw the 1.5 inch curved shard on her PJs and started howling.
I'm embarrassed that I didn't toss them months ago. So much for Corelle's reputation - I'll be telling everyone I know not to buy them.
Thanks again for all the info in the posts.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
we had a corelle plate split right in two up in the cupboard.then this evening we were eating supper on those plates and one split in two while i was eating off it.they are dangerous.
ReplyDeleteI found this by looking for the name of the plate I just broke. The bowl I had dropped onto the counter and the same thing happened, thousands of pieces everywhere. I will never buy a Corelle dish again. Dishes break from time to time no matter what the brand; accidents happen. It's not worth keeping these around with this kind of mess. Thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteToday my Great Dane somehow broke a small corelle plate. I could not believe how many pics of glass there were all over. My husband and I were and still are dumfounded on how the Dane broke the plate. When we arrived home from work we tried to break another one. We were practically whipping them on the floor and nothing happened. After reading this site i realize the plate could have been handled in just such away (Great Dane teeth). So thank you all for your comments. And dogs beware!!!!
ReplyDeleteLets accumulate more useful information here! :)
ReplyDeleteMy plate set is at least three decades old, I use them a lot in the microwave, don't happen to use them in the ovens. Don't recall any breakages in the first couple of decades, but several in the last. Also a large white bowl (ex. to serve salad).
BTW, if one breaks while the dishwasher is going it totals the dishwasher, the glass chews up the water-pumping mechanism.
my wife was mixing tuna and mayo in our corelle bowl and it exploded in her hands. i have never seen so many slivers of glass the largest piece of glass we found was half the size of a penny i have since thrown all the dishes in the trash not worth the safty of my family!!!
ReplyDeleteMy corelle shattered also. After talking with 20 or 30 other women about the issue we determined the one thing we all had in common was that all of our peices were older corelle and we used our corelle in our microwaves.
ReplyDeleteSomeone said it never happened to them but they don't use their corelle in the microwave.
It's not just the old ones. Newer ones have been reported to break in this explosive manner too. I must admit though, I have used mine to heat a dinner in the microwave. That is one of the ways they are supposed to be okay to use though. Just no broiler or stove top use.
ReplyDeletejust two days ago my corelle plate exploded-- i have had corelle for 30 years- this is a first-- i had just put my food on it and set the plate down- i sat down and then boom-what a shock! what a waste of food too! does anyone know where to find more info on this rare occasion?
ReplyDeleteI came across this site after googling "Corelle Plate shattered". The same thing just happened to me. It positively exploded all over the kitchen and into the living room. I've never witnessed a plate explode like this and am very grateful my baby wasn't crawling around when this happened.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing this.
ReplyDeleteIn the early 80s, I was standing beside my lovely white Corelle salad bowl, which was in the dish rack, long after washing. For no reason I could imagine, it suddenly exploded.
There was no temp change, no blow to it, it was just sitting there. I was just standing there. It seemed very spooky at the time.
Good to read that other people have also witnessed this.
WE just had a Corelle bowl explode when our 11 year-old son accidentally knock it out of the cupboard. It exploded into thousands, maybe millions of very sharp shards, with one hitting him in the eye. Fortunately for us my wife is a PA and she was able to see the shard (with medical microscopic glasses) and remove it before it caused any permanent damage. If you own these dishes you need to throw them away NOW!!!! CORELLE BY CORNING DISHES NEED TO BE RECALLED!!!! They are dangerous and the Consumer Product Safety Commission needs to do their job and protect the consumer by forcing Cornell to pull these bombs from the shelves.
ReplyDeleteHi there... we had the same thing happen to us a few weeks ago. I called Corelle and the customer service lady said she had never in her life, heard of their dishes exploding. I told her to do herself a favour and google Corelle exploding dishes... there would be tons of hits...
ReplyDeleteShe wanted me to send the shrapnel to her so their R & D department could piece it back together to see what the problem was... I told her that we swept it up and put it into the garbage, but we did take lots of pictures (that resemble the photos you posted here on your blog).. but she said that without the dish, they coudn't do anything about it... I was quite upset with her, so she said, "IF you have only called to complain, I am ending this call..." So I said, yes, I called to complain - I sure didn't call to tell you your dishes were fantastic, so I am ending this call then... CLICK...
Corelle/Vitelle is no longer a Corning product. They sold it over to World Kitchen. Apparently the repeated extreme heat to cool down (ie microwave) weakens the structure and may cause problems at a later time. That's why it appears mostly the older ones are now becoming bombs. World Kitchen must have determined there's a 3 year fuse on the time bomb. It's a good plate for the first few years of ownership then becomes a lottery. Unless you want to be safe and replace your corelle/vitrelle plates every 3 years, buy ceramic.
ReplyDeleteI own just a few Corelle dishes and mostly I use the deep soup bowls. But since I read your posts I am hesitant to use any of these dishes, especially when I don't wear my eye glasses, I am afraid of having the bowls literally exploding into my face...
ReplyDeleteSo much to my imagination. :(
I guess my Corelle dishes are going to bite the dust today.
Good that nobody got seriously injured.
Well... I actually did get rid of my few corelle dishes today and I feel very good about that. No thoughts anymore about the possibility of exploding dishes when I open the cupboards.
ReplyDeleteLife's good again
Tonight I fixed dinner and put a steak on my plate and some noodles. I walked away to get the corn and heard this sound like someone dropped a glass on the tile floor. I was like "omg what was that?!" I turned around and the plate cracked in half and also shattered a little bit on each side. It really freaked me out! I thought there was a ghost in my kitchen or something. The steak was not hot as I let them rest for 15 min on a paper plate and the noodles were a little hot but not scolding. The plate was room temperature and I never microwave them. I'd say the plates are about 10 yrs old. Hearing all these other stories I think I'm going to throw away any corelle ware that I have left and buy another brand. Better safe than sorry!
ReplyDeleteWe've got NEW Corelle and have had 3 explosions: when the plate was cold (refrigerated), when it was heated (microwave), and at room temperature and dropped. Same story. Micro shrapnel everywhere.
ReplyDeleteNew info to this thread: When Corning was sold to a foreign company, the co. ditched the old glass formula, which used a more expensive form of silica that truly did make Corelle nearly unbreakable. The cheaper kind used now makes it the most Dangerous kind to use, not the safest.
Scary that ER docs have seen Corelle injuries in their emergency rooms...
I LOVE my corelleware. I think I've been using it for 30 years (same pattern as in the photos). I hate to get rid of it but had a plate shatter (dropped on edge on the floor yesterday, similar story, thousands of shards shooting far away - fortunately no one was hurt). I only drop a dish about once every five years but the stories about random exploding, even in cupboards worry me!
ReplyDeleteI had the same experience; however, it was with a Corningware glass baking dish. My ex was cooking a lasagna. When she went to take it out, it exploded. I ran into the kitchen to see what had happened and got to see dinner smoking and burning on the oven's element with a ton of glass everywhere. The experience shook me up so much that I haven't baked with glassware since.
ReplyDeleteI love Corelle, but I cannot bring myself to use it anymore. Will have to save up and get something else. Very sad day for me, but am also very happy to be able to make a safe decision for me and my family. Thank you! :)
I thought I was crazy tonight when I unloaded the dishwasher and knocked a Corelle plate on another dish. It exploded and pieces flew everywhere. After the pieces landed, they continued to pop and ping sending shards all over the kitchen and into my arms as I shielded my face. I have been cleaning up pieces for the past hour. Tomorrow, I am throwing the rest of my Corelle out. This scared the daylights out of me. Thanks for posting your stories! This stuff is dangerous.
ReplyDeleteI am glad I found this blog. We had Corelle "explode" on us twice. This latest was this past Sunday, when a dinner plate exploded in my husbands hand sending shards of glass into his hand, and all over out kitchen. Why isn't this product off the market. There is no warning when this happens, so you can't be "careful" when using them. Is anyone interested in finding out how we can get this off the market, or at least the word out about them.
ReplyDeleteI have had two Corelle dishes break, and like you, there were
ReplyDeletemany, many sharp pieces. Two little dogs that were in the kitchen with me were fortunately not hurt but scared as they ran out .
I emailed Corelle and they are sending replacements.
After reading all this though, I think I will toss all of my Corelle out.
It's one thing to drop a dish and have it break. Quite another to have it shatter into hundreds of pieces. It is really scary.
I am writing to co's that sell Corelle . If you go to Amazon and type in "unbreakable dishes " Corelle is the first to appear.
Wal Mart sells single pieces of Corelle and if you read the bottom of the plate, bowl etc a person would be lead to believe these dishes don't break since on the bottom is is printed Break Resistant. Corelle and the co's that sell these dangerous dishes are misleading consumers.
All of us who have had "accidents" with these dishes need to speak up and warn others and we need to tell retailers to BE HONEST!
Corelle hides behind thier small print in their warrently!
There is no warrenty listed on single pieces sold. Only those words on the bottom that mislead people into thinking this stuff won't break.
Anon, Your comment is very interesting.
ReplyDeleteI had an old set of Corelle I had purchased at a yard sale many years ago.
I was so impressed with it. More than once a plate dropped but didn't break. When I finally got tired of the pattern I deciced to get new Corelle this year.
When I talked with a Corelle rep today she told me they were making it the same way they always did. I know that is simply not true !
Thanks for the info!
I'm getting rid of this new stuff. If I still had my reciept I would demand a refund. Money down the drain, but this stuff is going in the trash. I wouldn't give it to anyone !
When Corning was sold to a foreign company, the co. ditched the old glass formula, which used a more expensive form of silica that truly did make Corelle nearly unbreakable. The cheaper kind used now makes it the most Dangerous kind to use, not the safest.
Even if you didn't purchase your Corelle from Amazon you can still write a review.
ReplyDeleteI have had my Corelle for about 4o maybe 45 years...The only piece that ever broke was a dinner plate that my daughter dropped a glass lid on the day after my Mother gave it to me for Mother's Day...When my Mother died, I got her Corelle as well...Over the years pieces have been dropped or hit...We've had a couple chips but no explosions or actually broken pieces...Knock on wood...They just bounce...I'm not going to say it won't happen, and if it does, then and only then, will I get rid of it...I have a service for 12 and over the years have purchased some plain white pieces, like serving bowls to go with it...I put them in the microwave, the oven, the freezer...My Mother had a dishwasher and she used it for washing all of her Corelle...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you've all had such bad luck with your dishes...I'm hoping for continued good luck with mine...
January 27,2014 9:20 PM
I had not heard of the Corelle problem at all until I did a search on the web after we had a bowl explode on impact. My wife had put some dishes in a cabinet and nudged the bowl, it fell about 2 feet to a linoleum counter top and made a noise like a glass explosion. Tiny pieces of glass shrapnel all over. The glass shards covered over ten feet and even ended in side the open cabinet from where the bowl fell from. I have lost many glass dishes over my 50 plus years but none have exploded with such force as that Corelle bowl did. Your pictures show the explosive nature but the noise during the explosion is also unsettling.
ReplyDelete*quietly throws out four Corelle bowls purchased in early 2005* Dishes breaking is one thing. Dishes exploding into hundreds of tiny, razor-sharp slivers is quite another.
ReplyDeleteStill cleaning and worrying about miniscule shards after an older bowl fell less than 3 feet to the kitchen floor last night. One piece went through the adjoining dining room landing on the floor in the living room 17 feet away and another piece was on an upholstered chair seat 12 feet away. Getting it out of the jute rug will be nearly impossible. So far, no injuries, so I'm luckier than some I have read about. My daughter thinks the dishes are tacky and wanted me to get rid of them, anyway. No problem now! Please warn your families and friends! I don't expect Corelle will do anything to compensate or improve their hazardous product.
ReplyDeleteOnce in 20 years may not be a big deal till it gets in your eye. My cat knocked one off the counter last week and the plate exploded.
ReplyDeleteIm pregnant and eating my dinner...a few bites in my plate crumbles in my hands! Never seen anything like it! Food was not very hot at all...
ReplyDeleteThe exact same thing just happened to me. I was also unloading my dishwasher when it happened. Fortunately, the travel distance of the shrapnel wasn't as long, hopefully. It still took me about an hour to clean everything up. The weird thing is debris are still showing up on my floor mat. Where are they coming from?! I'm so paranoid now.
ReplyDeleteThe exact same thing just happened to me. I was also unloading my dishwasher when it happened. Fortunately, the travel distance of the shrapnel wasn't as long, hopefully. It still took me about an hour to clean everything up. The weird thing is debris are still showing up on my floor mat. Where are they coming from?! I'm so paranoid now.
ReplyDeleteCorrection: I need to clarify that my bowl is Arcopal France but the material is similar only thicker.
Yesterday we were in the kitchen when suddenly we heard a loud 'PING' noise. Looked all around and didn't see anything. Then later my husband noticed that a Corelle bowl on the top of the bowl stack has basically split - the bottom came out and made a 'disk' while the top was left in one piece and made a 'ring'. It wasn't hot, it wasn't cold, it didn't just come out of the dishwasher or a microwave, it was just sitting there and broke without any provocation. I'm feeling very fortunate that it didn't explode. Throwing out all my Corelle dishes after reading this blog... Thank you for posting!
ReplyDelete02-05-2025 , we just had a bowl with white vinegar in it , setting on the table exploding into pieces for no reason... It had Not been heated or anything, just setting there at room temperature..
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable... We found this looking for some reason why...