Friday, May 19, 2006

Family Visits

We're back from our mini-vacation on Vancouver Island. My husband and I spent a couple of days in Nanaimo, mostly visiting my relatives. I saw my dad, and completely forgot to take any pictures even though I had my camera with me. We did remember to take a few pictures of my brother and his daughter. This is about the only one that turned out though. We were about to board a little "ferry" boat that takes passengers to the Dinghy Dock Pub, reportedly the only floating pub in North America.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

After dinner we went for a walk on Protection Island, the little island near the pub, and my husband captured this lovely picture:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


  1. We you able to get to "Mad about Ewe" while in Nanaimo? ...... gail

  2. Hello,

    I've just returned to your blog to read the archives, and wow! I'm amazed at all the things you make. Goodness. You are extremely talented and extremely busy. I used to embroider a bit, and plan to do so again once I retire, but would never aspire to your productivity. However, I shall enjoy seeing your future achievements too.

  3. No I didn't visit "Mad About Ewe" or any other fibre shops while in Nanaimo. I had time, and my husband offered, but I'm not a "Stasher" and at the moment I have several projects lined up already. I didn't see the point in being tempted.

    Yes, I know. Strange behaviour for a knitting fanatic.

  4. Welcome home. Looks like you had fabulous weather. May I also say that you're looking fabulous.
