Thursday, May 25, 2006

Rose Print Scarf

All knitting and spinning has come to a standstill while I get a couple of "quick" sewing projects out of the way.

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Actually this first one wasn't quite as quick as I expected. Although I didn't time myself I do know it took several hours. Some people can sew entire outfits in that amount of time!

I decided this scarf needed a HAND rolled hem, rather than a serged one. My serger requires quite a bit of fiddling before I get a rolled hem just right and I had no extra scraps to practice on. I bought just enough of two different fabrics to make a lightweight scarf of each.

Although I don't consider myself a dressy, scarf wearing kinda gal, my jacket has an open neckline that needs some kind of filling when I'm wearing a low or wide neckline top with it. The jacket is black with white trim and this scarf will be perfect.

The second scarf should be finished later today.