Thursday, August 31, 2006

Ryder Lake Spin In

If you live within driving distance of Chilliwack (or will be visiting the area) you might be interested to know that there are still a few openings left for the annual Ryder Lake Spin In being held September 16 th at the Ryder Lake Institute Hall. The fee is $20. Email me (address on my profile page) if you would like further contact information. This is always a fun day and a great opportunity to "stash enhance" as several vendors will be present. Not yet a spinner? Don't worry, there are always plenty of enablers willing to drag you into the spinners vortex.

I'll be there. I have a short presentation to do on the processes that went into the making of the Shy Sheep Vest. Hopefully I won't bomb too badly.

Eweniss plans to be there too. Perhaps she'll pose for a few photos?


  1. I've heard about the event. Would this be something fun for someone like me to attend who has just spun a little bit on a drop spindle but is dying to check out spinning more seriously but doesn't have a wheel, isn't likely to get one any time soon but really just wants to find out more..... and be drawn into yet another hobby. :-)

  2. Absolutely Uli! It's a great place to find out more.....and pick up a few rovings to spin on your spindle.

    I started spinning on a spindle and loved it. But then a week later a used wheel found me. And then several months later I received a brand new one for Christmas!
