Monday, September 11, 2006

Branching Out

Well, well, well. Maybe there was enough of that handspun, laceweight llama for an entire shawl. I knit up the Branching Out scarf as a gift and it only took ONE ounce!

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That leaves more than four ounces remaining. Yup, could've been a shawl.

Now it's going to be several scarves instead, which is probably more practical anyway.


  1. That is beautiful. A shawl would have been lovely, however, you are right about the multiple scarves being more practical. Just think of how many people you will make happy instead of just one!

  2. The scarf is beautiful! (And it inspired me. I have some laceweight alpaca that I was trying to decide what to make...)

  3. Your scarf is beautiful...and so much from just one ounce...thats remarkable!

  4. That's a lovely branching out!!! Just beautiful. The scarf is on my list of Christmas knits a couple of times in some special fibres.

  5. Gorgeous! It looks crazy soft! And you must be a fast knitter, too!

  6. Wanted to come tell you I saw a demo on tv today of how to spin fiber with a drop spindle and one you can make out of 2 interesting...think I'm going to try that by and by.

  7. Gorgeous scarf! Look forward to meeting you, the "sheep vest" and Eweniss at Ryder Lake.........

  8. Gaaaaa! Okay, NOW I'm nervous. Only an hour ago my husband asked if I was nervous about doing a presentation at the Spin-In and I said no. Now, with Gail's comment I've suddenly got butterflies.

    Somehow her comment made it all so "real"......and looming just around the corner.

    40 women. Most more experienced than I. Must fill 10 minutes or more. No way of presenting pictures. WHAT was I thinking when I said yes?

  9. Good luck at the spin in. I'm sure you'll be great. The scarf looks like the perfect thing for the fall.

  10. Yup - love that scarf!! The previous poster was right, you should make many scarves & spread the love around!! See you & the scarf at the SpinIn

  11. so pretty, i love the consistancy of your spinning. and i just noticed you have my blog linked...never noticed that before. (and if i did, i forgot) thanks!
