Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Great News!

Our daughter and her husband are expecting their first child......our first GRANDchild! The baby is due March 11, 2007. I've added a countdown "ticker" to the top of my blog.

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I haven't had a baby around for over 22 years! This is SO exciting!


  1. Congratulations! Think of all the fun things you can knit for him/her!

  2. oh god mom! i hope he/she doesn't look like THAT!!! :-)

  3. Aha! I don't have any grandkids yet, but catch myself squirreling away knit patterns for weird baby toys, cute blankies, and wonderful wool sweaters for when that day comes! Have fun with all the cute grandbaby knitting in the next few months! Congratulations!

  4. GRANDMA!!!! Nice ring, yes? Congratulations to you and your family!

  5. Congratulations!!! We became grandparents for the first time 16 months ago and you cannot believe what a rush it is. Why weren't our own kids this much fun. Are you planning lots of cute knitted baby things?

  6. Thanks everyone! We had two grandnieces born last year so I went into a knitting frenzy at that time. I think for first size anyway, between my daughter and I, we have it covered. I have the yarn for a boy baby's sweater (actually could work for a girl too though it's not ultra feminine) and I'll knit that up, but then I'll wait until I know the gender before knitting a pile more for larger sizes.

    It's very tempting to SPIN and knit something, but I wouldn't want to wish "hand wash only" on a busy new mom.

  7. Being a grandma is the best thing in the world! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  8. Congrats! Like Dianna, I am also without kids but lately seem to be knitting alot for other people's babies... I can't wait until that knitting is for my baby! Have fun with all the tiny cute stuff!

  9. Congratulations!! This is going to be one grandbaby that is going to have an amazing knitted wardrobe! How wonderful!

    My apologies! I read this post on the day you posted, but got distracted and didn't comment.
