Monday, October 09, 2006

Going For The Masters

While on the surface it may not seem like a lot is going on around here,(no posts for five days, no news of finished objects) I have been madly working away behind the scene. I've been spinning, and knitting, and knitting, and knitting.....and frogging. A lot of frogging. A lot of reknitting. And frogging again. All that frogging doesn't leave a lot to take pictures of or blog about!

What have I been knitting and frogging? Swatches. The same ones. Repeatedly. I've begun my quest for my Master Knitter's Certification through TKGA and I'm not making it easy on myself. I start and restart, finish something then reevaluate and frog. Many, many hours later I still only have the first 3 swatches done and I'm still looking at those ones thinking I could somehow do better.

Even though I haven't taken the time to post about it, there has been ONE (non-Master's related) finished object in that time period. I finished yet another of the "Modified Branching Out" lace scarves, and with that came to the end of the laceweight llama I had spun. This last scarf was dyed black.....but came out a lovely, deep chocolate brown. I'll try to get a picture of that up soon.

I've also picked up my husband's handspun pullover again and I'm making decent progress on that. The front is done and blocked and I'm past the underarms on the back. It's looking really nice. Yes,, I'll get to that...soon.


  1. Good luck with those swatches. I started on the Level 1 Masters a long time ago, and have all but one of the swatches done, but then you know, life happened and they are still sitting neatly in a binder, waiting. But your post prompted me to renew my membership and now I will see about getting the most recent set of instructions, and maybe someday we will both be Masters!

  2. I've thought about going through that program, too. Wondered and thought, and thought and wondered. Other than (hopefully) becoming a better knitter, are there any real benefts to it? Do you know?

  3. good luck witht he master's program, ihear it's tough.

    and yes, pictures are needed!

  4. Thanks for the well wishes Minnie. I would say that yes, the Master's program can be....well, not tough so much as labor intensive. You have to provide references for each technique, which means that you start researching and the next thing you know you are trying several different cast-ons and cast-offs for each swatch...all in the search of perfection.

    Dorothy and Paula, glad to hear you are feeling inspired to continue on. You'll both need to take a look at the updated instructions. Apparently a lot has changed. There is now a requirement to make a hat, and some of the swatches are dealt with a little differently.

    Laura, I think becoming a better knitter is reason enough. I'm learning so much exploring the things I thought I already knew! There are a few other benefits too. If you want to work in a yarn store it is a good feather in your cap. If you ever plan to teach workshops it is a qualification that can be added in your profile. And heck, I've spent all these years obsessed with knitting I might as well get some official credit for it.

  5. Oh, Marlene, you've really got me thinking about the Masters program, too. I bookmarked this post in Bloglines and keep coming back to it...
    ; )

  6. Thank you for answering my questions, Marlene. Still thinking about doing it. We'll see... LOL
