Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Opinions Please

About a week ago I finished the spindled hat I am making for the contest. Actually, I "finished" it several times that day, and each time ripped out what I had done and tried something new. At various points it has had beads, a flared brim, a topknot, embroidery and "couched unspun roving". I keep coming back to simple. I guess I am just not into a lot of "bling" and fussiness.

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So I'd like your opinion. Do you thing it still needs something? Should I lose the picot hem? Should I add on a few more inches to create a fold back brim? Any other ideas?


  1. I think it looks great! The picot edge is a nice touch.

  2. Wow. I really can't believe that was handspun.

    Personally I like it. It reminds me of hats from the 20s/30s. I definitely think the picot edging is great. I don't know what you think, but when I look at it I feel like it needs some sort of flower or something attached. I'm not big fan of flowers on hats but for some reason I think that would look so cute.

    Good luck with the contest.

  3. Thanks Lizz, my son said to leave the picot too. He said it "added something".

    I think the style you are referring to Ashley, is the clouche. I believe they were often decorated with a flower or bow low on one side, near the edge. I have plenty of unspun, combed, dyed wool left. I could maybe needle felt a flower.

  4. I think the yarn and hat are beautiful, and the hat is perfect as it is! I also love the picot edge.

  5. Your hat is very pretty...those colors are really lovely. I think its nice as is or a needlefelted flower would be fun too. It might help you win that spindle! What is "couched unspun roving"..I'm dying to know...;-)

  6. Thanks Lauri. I'm still debating the addition of a flower. If I make one I will make it detachable in some way so that there is an either-or option.

    Maggie Ann, couching is a form of embroidery where one long strand (usually embroidery floss or ribbon) is held down in decorative manner by little crosswise stitches of another thread. I was attempting something similar using pencil roving as the "ribbon". It looked okay, as did some of the other things I tried, but nothing was really spectacular.

  7. i like the flower idea, but the hat is great as it is. the picot edging adds just that tiny bit of "oomph". and is it my imagination, or is taht crocheted?

  8. i like it plain (with the picot edging) but, if you are going to add a flower, i think it should be a small crocheted flower.... so it's subtle and "matches". maybe attached it with a brooch pin or something?

  9. Good eye Minnie. Yes, it is crocheted. I find designing on the fly is easier with crochet. No loose stitches to pick up when you repeatedly change your mind and rip things out! I also figured it would showcase the changing colors of the yarn more effectively.

  10. The stitch pattern looks great and I love the progression of colours. Looks great just the way it is.

  11. I really like it as is. The colors are absolutely fantastic. The picot edge is nice, and like was mentioned before, I think it would look good with a flower (although I'd have to see it to know for sure).

  12. I like it, although I'm not a fan of picot. If you're going to leave that edge, I think a little flower to "fancy" it up would be nice.

  13. Thanks for your comments everyone. I think I will submit it 'as is'. I have other projects to get to. I've been fiddling with various flowers and beads and I haven't come up with anything I like. I think sometimes things can be too artsy-fartsy and over embelished. Let's just say I am "showcasing the hand dyed, spindle spun yarn" and leave it at that.

  14. I have to admit to normally paying no attention whatsoever to knit hats. Absolutely no call for them here in southern California (unless you're a young man/teen and wear a black watch cap, even when it's 90 degrees out, which I'm not). That said, I love the colors, and the picot trim is nice. I think with all the colors and the texture, you don't really need anything else. I saw that one person mentioned adding a flower. That might work. If you add anything it shouldn't be too fussy. Don't want to argue with all those colors.

  15. I love the colours, absolutely fabulous :-)
    The picot edge definitely adds something. For the competition I think I would add the flower, very retro!

  16. to be frank, marlene, i haven't used a pattern for a crocheted hat in YEARS. i tend to do them willy nilly, since most of them are for charity, lol.

  17. the hat looks great... simple is very nice when it comes to handspun.. you can show off the yarn better I think ;)
    the picot egde looks adorable!

  18. I think leave as is...less is more! Love the color!

  19. I love the hat and the picot edge. You've probably already submited it, but I love how the color changes are really highlighted.

    I also really like how your comments section tends to be a disscusion. I've tried to do this with my blog, with varying degrees of success.
