Yesterday I added the final details to the toe section of the stocking. The elf got a candy cane and an arm and hand to hold it with. Both the arm and the candy cane are 3-D and hang free.
He/(she?) also received the remainder of his hair. The central tuft stands free at the top. At his feet lies a present with a fluffy bow.
Yesterday's effort puts me one full day ahead of schedule, but I will need that advantage over the next couple of days as we have a busy weekend planned.
Wow! This is so beautiful and is going to be very special once it's done. I have really enjoyed seeing the progress.
ReplyDeletehow much more is there to go? looks pretty done to me!
ReplyDeleteA couple more days should do it Minnie. This is the project that just keeps on going and going. It "looks" full now, but there are still more details to add.