Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Angelic Hobbies

Even angels like to relax with their favorite hobbies, and not all angels are musicians! These handknit lace angels prefer the fiber arts.

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What would an angel spin? Why thread of gold of course!

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A knitter enjoys a golden moment.

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Even the weaver can't resist a touch of gold.

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I've included a pencil here for perspective.

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The angelic trio of fiber artists are destined for my guild's Christmas gift exchange. The patterns are from "Angels : A Knitter's Dozen", by Gerdine Crawford.


  1. Those are absolutely angelic! I love them.

  2. Beautiful! Great work. I just love them too!

  3. those are fantastic, and so tiny! i adore them! i may have to find the patterns!

    i'll bet it was fun to starch them though, lol.

  4. Minnie, You drape the "bodice" over a dowel and the skirt is stretched over a styrofoam bell or egg. That part wasn't too bad. Putting them togetner was finicky though --- and don't even ask about knitting that teeny, tiny head --- in the round --- with a circular cast on.

    Michelle, you know all about circular cast ons don't you. Yah, Michelle knows.

    Lauri, I love them too. It's hard to give them away. I think I will try to find some white silk to spin to make a set for myself. These were made with ordinary crochet cotton.

  5. Your work is awesome. You must be doing craft work and baking all day long. A very cute gift for someone who is into needle work. They would be awfully hard to give away though.

  6. Those are so great! I love them and I'm sure your guild will too!

  7. FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. You caught me by surprise with these...I never dreamed they could be handknit. Beautiful work...exquisite!

  9. WOW! Those are impressive! I don't even think I'd attempt them for at least a few more years of knitting practice!

  10. They are beautiful, I would want to keep them for myself.

  11. They're wonderful. My daughter called them fairies.

  12. Good thing I didn't come across your blog earlier. Now I must have knitted angels knitting and spinning! Just went and ordered the book for next year.

  13. You'll really enjoy them Lavender. I gave mine away as a gift but hope to get around to making myself a set for next Christmas. My advice is to make the head FIRST. It's a bit tricky to get that tiny circular start going.
