Sunday, December 03, 2006

Plastic Canvas Scarf

Honestly, I think I could knit Frosty a scarf in less time!

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  1. I love how 3-D it looks. Next time I wander into a craft store, I may have to look for something like this. I didn't realize plastic canvas could look so cute.

  2. It will look even more 3-D when it's done Jodie. There is a lot of back stitching yet to be worked and it will add dimension and detail.

  3. Its so pretty and cheerful. I like the way you put your hand to all different kinds of crafting!

  4. hi my name is lucie and i would love to know if there is any way i could get that pattern of the snowman wow he is so nice please e-mail me at to let me know that would be a nice x-mas present for my mom. thank you

  5. It's a Mary Maxim pattern with a copyright, Lucy.
