Wednesday, July 25, 2007

For Spinners Who Knit

I was passing this information on to a friend who is struggling with using her handspun for a commercial knitting pattern and it occurred to me that it might be of interest to others.

"WPI" is a spinning/weaving term that means "wraps per inch" and is a way of measuring the thickness of yarn. You can wrap the yarn around a ruler or dowel marked in one inch increments, or you can use a WPI tool like this:

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Laceweight = 18 or more WPI (Lace gauge varies with the project chosen.)
Fingering weight = 16 WPI and knits at 27 - 32 st per 4".

Sportweight = 14 WPI and knits at 23 - 26 st per 4".

Double Knitting (DK) = 12 WPI and knits at 21 - 24 st per 4".

Worsted = 10 WPI and knits at 16 - 20 st per 4".

Bulky = 8 WPI and knits at 12 - 15 st per 4".

Very Bulky = 6 WPI and knits at 6 - 11 sts per 4".


  1. now, THAT'S helpful! i just usually hope & pray that i have enough, lol.

  2. This is VERY helpful! smile...
