Monday, September 03, 2007

4.5 Hours Plying

I sat down at the wheel the other day knowing I had a lot of plying ahead of me. By "a lot" I was thinking in the neighbourhood of 2 hours or so, after all, experience has shown me that plying laceweight takes a long, long time.

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handspun, 2ply laceweight, 28 WPI, 50/50 camel/silk
205 grams/7.2 ounces - 1215 yards/1093 metres

I was shocked that it actually took closer to 4.5 hours and I still have some leftover on one of the bobbins. I'll get the WPI calculation for you when I ply the remaining bit.

Edited to add: I plyed the remaining 142 yards/128 metres this evening, and THIS time I remembered to measure the wraps per inch before I skeined it on a niddy noddy. At 28 WPI it is the finest 2 ply I have ever spun.

This is earmarked for a lace shawl, quite likely the Bee Fields Shawl.


  1. Wow, gorgeous yarn!! That's going to make a stunning shawl.

  2. oooh, it's beautiful stuff marlene, and will be luscious in a bee stole!

  3. 28! This is beautiful and your Shawl pattern exquisite.

  4. As non-spinner I'm extremely impressed that you can spin something that fine. I'll be looking forward to seeing you shawl. What a sense of accomplishment to spin and knit for a shawl!

  5. Wow. I have never spun yarn that fine in my life! Gorgeous.
