Wednesday, October 10, 2007

1 + 1 = 4

Before (Canadian) Thanksgiving I bought myself a medium sized bouquet of flowers in fall colours. I don't buy myself flowers often, but I thought they would look nice for our dinner guests, our son-in-law's grandparents.

Well, the guests arrived carrying a great big bouquet of fall flowers for me. Gorgeous flowers, including a few exotics like a bird of paradise and a stem of gigantic, aromatic, white lilies. I quickly arranged them in the largest container I had on hand, a heavy, clear glass cookie jar.

Then next day, when I had more time, I was looking the flowers over in more detail and realized that with a little creative rearranging I could combine the flowers from both the fall bouquets and come up with 4 separate bouquets.

Part of the motivation for separating some of the flowers were these:

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I've heard that Gerbera Daisies break down causing a murky pollution in floral arrangements which makes the other flowers wilt a little sooner than they might otherwise. I love the look of Gerbera Daisies all by themselves anyway, so I separated them out and they now liven up a corner of my main bathroom.

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In amongst all the yellows, golds and rusts there were a number of pink flowers. Carnations of course (my birth month flower), and I think the others are called "freesias"? These seemed a natural go together, and look lovely in front of the hutch mirror on my bedroom dresser.

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Then there were three lovely yellow roses and a yellow filler of some kind that now have a home beside my knitting chair. I love yellow roses. I chose them for my bridal bouquet 30 years ago.

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And last, but not least, what remains is still a very large, mixed bouquet! It takes centre stage in our living room where the fragrance of those white lilies fills the room.

I know for sure that there have NEVER been so many beautiful flowers in my home at once. What a treat!


  1. Hi Marlene, What a great job you did with the flowers.....and I especially like the daisies with just one stem of golden rod. Splitting them up was a very good idea to delay the wilting time, and of course to ba able to spread them around the house.
    We really enjoyed our visit with you and though I loved the turkey dinner I still regret being too full to have desert - which I never make so it was a lost opportunity. Will note your address so I can get in touch again. Joan

  2. I think those other pink ones might be Alstroemeria lillies. I couldn't enlarge the picture, though, so I'm not sure.

    Here's a bunch of pics of Alstroemerias, so you can decide for yourself if that's what they are... enjoy (they're one of my favorite flowers):

  3. Thanks for dropping by the blog Joan!. What a nice surprise. And thanks again for the beautiful flowers.

    Oh, that's exactly what they look like Leisel. In fact, the pink ones I have seem to be the "hybrid princess rebecca" variety pictured, or at least something very similar. Thanks!

  4. What beautiful flowers! And you know, most of those are fairly long-lasting, so as long as you keep their water fresh you'll be enjoying their beauty for quite a few more days.

  5. You made a good thing even better by making more than one arrangement...I like the idea of some in various rooms to enjoy. Sounds like your holiday was very special...=)
