Saturday, October 13, 2007

Porch With A Swing

When I said I wanted a porch with a swing, this wasn't quite what I had in mind.

I'm sure Kaylen will love it though. Grandma's baby doll is just taking it for a test drive while we wait for Kaylen to recover from a cold so she can come for a visit.


  1. Ahhh, how cute. And a swing like that is sure to bring her a lot of enjoyment! Too bad she has a cold...wish there was no such thing as colds.~~Just posted pictures of the roving I got dyed today. What an experience! I'm soooo tired. Can't wait to see how it spins up though...someday!

  2. Ooooo, I want a porch with a

    too bad she's sick I bet she'd love it.

  3. Kaylen is very excited about the new swing.... she's been having extra naps trying to get better quickly.
