Friday, November 23, 2007

Now THAT Is Full

One huge Majacraft bobbin full to the brim.

2 ply, superwash, merino/viscose blend spun from mill ends.


  1. So glossy and pretty. What are your plans for it?

  2. Nothing definate Lorraine, but I could use a nice warm vest or two. I'm always cold in the winter, but a cardigan is too confining most of the time. I have 2 whole pounds of this merino/viscose blend in my stash and could dye some of it for variety. It is super soft to touch and lovely to spin.

  3. Darn! I was planning on looking at that while I was over today, but totally forgot! I'll have to admire it next time.

  4. Ooo that looks great! Yeah, you couldn't have fit another half ounce on there. You have two whole pounds in your stash?? That sounds like a fun dyeing project on the way...
