Sunday, November 25, 2007

Wee Vest

This project went so quickly from speculation to finished project that I never even took WIP pictures, or mentioned it here on the blog.

Kristy wanted a few warm vests for Kaylen to wear in the winter months. Using the measurements from Kaylen's store bought vest I quickly whipped up a pattern on Sweater Wizard and Kristy went home and knit one up in just a couple of days. It looked so cute that I couldn't resist adding to Kaylen's wardrobe myself.

I dug through my stash and found some pretty chenille given to me by a friend. A day and a half later the custom fit vest was off the needles and taking a test trip through the washer and dryer. Chenille can be a little finicky and if the vest was going to fall apart when subjected to the normal care a baby's clothing must go through then I wanted to find out about before it was given as a gift.

It survived. It fits. And I think it looks darn cute --- even when delivered late at night and tried on over pajamas.


  1. OMG, look at those adorable chunky arms!

  2. Both the vest and the wee one are just adorable! :)

  3. Awww, Kaylen is so adorable and the vest is adorable on her! She's growing so quickly.

  4. SO cute! And perfect for the Christmas season.

  5. I think it looks great - and what a cute little baby!

  6. Very cute! And practical too. Don't you just love knitting for a baby??? LOL So, now what are you going to do with the gorgeous Superwash Merino??? Hmmm???

  7. ya know, the older she gets, the more i thin she looks like grandma!

    too cute!
