Thursday, February 14, 2008

Plying Purple

Yesterday I spent the afternoon freeing up my bobbins. With only 6 bobbins I have to be careful that I don't get carried away with multiple spinning projects going on at once or I'll find I don't have an empty bobbin to ply to.
This is one of two spinning projects I've been working on lately. It's a 2 ply, 23 WPI, laceweight, from merino/silk roving hand dyed by Fleece Artist and purchased from Shades of Narnia at the Ryder Lake Spin-In last fall.

I had two braids which were similar in colour, but not exactly the same so I spun each 50 gram braid to a seperate bobbin and then plyed them together to get this nice blending of the colours.

I have one huge 100g skein (love those big Majacraft bobbins!) with a length of about 379 metres. That's 414 yds and 3.5 ounces for those who would like the conversion. No specific plans for it yet. Perhaps a lace scarf for the guild's scarf themed art show?


  1. That's just lovely, congratulations.

  2. Beautiful. I am truly in love. The color are fantastic as well.

  3. That purple is sooooo beautiful! You've done just the right thing!

  4. Oh, I really like that color! It must be so nice to make things out of yarn you did yourself! Like your increases, too ;)
