Monday, April 14, 2008

Masters Monday - 2.15

Oh dear. Not a whole lot of Masters progress to report this week.

I DID do a gauge swatch for the Level II vest though.....only to find out the yarn that I purchased for it will not work. Not only that, but I can't even use the yarn with a different pattern. The yarn label did not include the gauge, and after swatching I have found it's too thick to meet the vest requirements. It will eventually get used up, but not for my Masters knitting.

In preparation for the next swatch and the vest I've also pulled out all my books which mention picking up stitches. Yes, I have been picking up stitches around necklines and armholes for years, and I know how to do it, but it never hurts to see what the "experts" advise. It also looks better on the swatch label if you can refer to an actual written resource rather than quoting "personal experience" only.


  1. Oh man. I *hate* it when that happens. Hope you find some good yarn that will work for your vest.

  2. Well, unfortunately Laura, what has happened is I have become completely sidetracked by the handspun I decided to swatch with. I'm now knitting a full sized hoodie....instead of working on the Masters Level II vest. I won't bother searching for the yarn for the vest until this hoodie is finished. I get panicky if I work on too many things at once.
