Friday, March 06, 2009

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Instead of sleeping I spent last night rolling over and over and over in bed. Some dreadful flu has taken hold of me and my whole body is aching. I swear, even my skin hurts! I couldn't find a comfortable sleeping position at all. Even though I was exhausted from lack of sleep I was very happy to get out of bed this morning just to end the flip, flip, flipping!

Okay, enough whining. I feel somewhat better now that I am up and moving around a bit. At least I'm well enough to sit and knit next to a cozy "fire" (no real flames involved, it's electric, but keeps the room toasty).

I'm knitting another tiny baby sweater for the new grandchild expected in April. This one is a bit smaller than the "Offset Wraplan" I made earlier. I'm using a newborn sized sleeper to get an idea of the correct size for a "first" sweater.

Once again, this is in boy colours with no lacy bits, but don't anyone go jumping to conclusions, (that goes especially for you extended family members!), we really don't know the gender this time, and I claim no instinctual grandmotherly insights. I'm as likely to get it wrong as anyone else. There are lots of girly hand-me-downs though, so no urgent pink or mauve knitting needs to be done. I'm knitting for a boy just in case.


  1. Aw, hope you're feeling better soon. There is something really nasty hitting. I was down and out for 2-1/2 weeks, my daughter is this week and now my husband came home from work feeling quite ill.

    April is going to be here soon! I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl. I think it's great you're covering all the bases! ;D I love the pentagon baby blanket you made. So beautiful!

  2. Sending good thoughts your way...hope you're better soon. That sweater is going to be beautiful! :)

  3. Congratulations! Another grandchild....the only thing better than one is two! I know that from experience. Hope you feel better soon. There's so many nasty bugs going around. And the flu season starting here just spring.
