Saturday, March 13, 2010

Handspun For Barbie

This is the last Barbie outfit I had time to make before wrapping up Kaylen's birthday presents.

The fisherman's rib sweater and pants are hand knit from bits of yarn I had on hand. The pattern is "#2 White Sweater and Black Trousers", by Sticka till Barbie

The hat is a teeny, tiny version of a pattern meant for human sized heads, but which works equally well for dolls. "Lifestyle Top down Hats, No Swatch Needed", by Charisa Martin Cairn

I knit it up from a teeny, tiny ball of leftover handspun.


  1. Thanks for the link to the hat pattern. As a beginning spinner I have some handspun that defies any category. Now I have a direction to go with it.

  2. You're welcome Dorothy. It's quite possibly the best hat pattern there is for those mystery gauge handspuns.

  3. I'm starting to wish I had a Barbie!

  4. I just love that hat! Thanks for the link. :)

  5. Wow! What a wonderful birthday present!Love the sweater, pants and the hat is fantastic!

  6. Your work is just awesome. Beautiful job on the Barbie clothes. I remember my Mom sewing clothes for our dolls for Xmas gifts. Unfortunately for her we were triplets so that meant three of everything for Barbie and us!!!

