Sunday, April 25, 2010

If I Had Known

If I had known how much fun I'd have creating clothing for a doll and posing her I'd have bought one years ago.

I sewed up 5 pairs of doll tights this afternoon. There's a black pair, a pink pair, a white pair and two grey pairs. One of the grey pairs will be given to my daughter for her doll, Ellowyne.

Now Delilah needs some new clothes to go with the tights. I have so many ideas whirring around in my head!


  1. The tights look GREAT! Ellowyne is very excited about getting her very own pair! ;)

  2. Your doll clothes bring back such fun memories. My mom used to make doll clothes for our Barbies. She'd also buy some really awesome ones.

    One of my favorites was a "mink" jacket with matching hat. So elegant and so easy to make. :)
