Friday, May 21, 2010

Chicken LaBOMBba

How to make Chicken LaBOMBba.

Step one: Send common sense out the door. The presence of common sense will ruin this recipe.

Step two: Spend a helluva lot of time preparing dressing, stuffing two chickens, trussing them, seasoning them perfectly, and putting them in a glass pan. The choice of pan here is very important. Do not substitute a metal cake pan or roaster!

Step three: Heat glass pan and chickens to 400 degrees F.

Step four: Pour room temperature chicken broth over chickens. Wait a few seconds and. . .
BOOM! Chicken LaBOMBba!!

Warning, this is not a trick to be tried at home. (Dangerous as hell and WAY too much mess to clean up afterwards!)


  1. I hope the dish was the only injury.

  2. Oh my gosh, I have done something similar. So don't fret, you are not the only one leaving common sense at the kitchen door the odd time! Hope you weren't hurt. Other than your pride of course!

  3. Ack! What a disaster! Time to order pizza?

  4. Yes PICAdrienne the dish was the only injury...well except minor nicks received when cleaning up all broken glass.

    Thanks Anne, knowing I'm not the only one do something dangerously dumb is a bit of a comfort somehow.

    Well KnittySue, "oh my!" was not exactly what I yelled.

    I ran to the store Kris and picked up two far inferior pre-roasted chickens. *sigh*

  5. OMG..that looked SCARY! Like your garden photo shoot tho....

  6. One of the glassware companies--and I wish I could remember which one--a few years ago changed their glass's composition to something cheaper, making it much more likely to shatter like that. Old Pyrex or Corning or whichever brand is something to hold onto as long as you can, exactly because of what your picture shows. So it probably wasn't just the room-temp broth.

  7. Found this:

  8. p.s. And if you get all the way through that article, it mentions that Anchor Hocking is using the lime soda glass too, the type implicated.
