Thursday, June 03, 2010

Different Model

Here's the handspun 1/4 scale sweater set on my daughter's doll, a 43cm Asleep Eidolon Coral she has named "Anna".


  1. Hello.
    When looking for Asleep Eidolon Doll, I found your site.
    Because I am ordering the Coral of AE now.
    Perhaps, she comes to me by the end of this month.
    I see your coral, and imagine my coral.
    And your knitting is very wonderful!

  2. Congratulations on your AED Coral. She's a beautiful doll. The one in my photos belongs to my adult daughter. I'm still waiting for my first ABJD which will be a 43cm Narae doll from Narin.

  3. What a great pose! She looks just as lovely in that sweater. :)
