I spun the yarn myself from fibre that was a gift from a friend. Qiviut fibre (the ultra soft undercoat of a musk ox) is very hard to come by and commercially spun qiviut sells for $70 - $80 per ounce! This hat, with its folded up brim, weighs about 2 ounces. A rare and pricey hat for a very deserving man.
Love it!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Looks warm, cozy and manly all at once :) <3
ReplyDeleteI have been looking for a hat like that an can not find one an if my grandmother had not passed she would have made me one if ever you make one more I would love to buy one same color
ReplyDeleteDid you use a pattern for this hat? My husband had a similar one made from quiviut, but lost it! I won't pay for a new one but am determined to try and make one that fits as nicely...
ReplyDeleteThe free pattern is "Lifestyles Top Down Hat" and it is available on Ravelry.