Monday, October 24, 2011

Handspun Pukifee Dress

Yesterday I made Serenity a simple little dress using laceweight handspun, merino/silk.

new dress

On 1.5mm needles (US 000) it wasn't exactly "quick", but it didn't take all day either.

handspun dress

She seems pretty pleased with it.


  1. THAT is the most adorable thing I've seen today! :) (as always- love the colors!)

  2. lovely colors. i like how the light blue/turquoise color runs throughout tying it all together.

  3. It's a two ply handspun Cailyn. Both plys were from the same merino/silk fibre braid, but the section I used for the dress had one ply from the blue colour run while the other ply varied in and out of a few different colours.
