Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Finished and in Use

The crocheted bowl is now completed, starched, and in use.

crocheted bowl

The handwoven dresser scarves are now wet finished, hemmed by hand, and in use as well.

handwoven dresser scarf - 2

I love the way the textured, plain weave looks against the dark, smooth, wood of our new bedroom suite. 

textured plain weave

The sixteen feet of weaving gave me five runners altogether with no further leftovers. In addition to the 4 pieces needed in the bedroom (for two night tables, a mule chest, and a chest of drawers) I had enough finished weaving to make a runner for the kitchen table as well.


  1. WOW!!! Those are just gorgeous! Your pictures look like something out of a fancy interior design magazine! Your crochet bowl is beautiful. nice work!!!

  2. Thank you! What a kind compliment.
