Thursday, December 06, 2012


 It's been a while since I last posted. Things around here have been hectic and I've inadvertently missed let you in on a few things. First of all Becky and Serenity were seeing a bit of the US. They went to Ban's Boutique in New York to get fresh new faceups.

They're Baaaaacccckkkk!

Becky returned with the world's cutest little gappy tooth grin. It makes me smile just looking at her!


Serenity was delighted to come home and find she had acquired a new friend.

Who are you?

But as happy as she was playing with Neelie she seemed somewhat distracted.

Neelie and Serenity

She kept staring at me, as though she was trying to tell me something.

Fresh faced Serenity

It took me a while to recognize the problem. Suddenly it dawned on me. Serenity was caught mid-transformation. She needed a new wig!

She's now a little redhead with cute baby curls along the back of her neck. And with that.....


Serenity and Neelie have discovered that they have big sisters!


  1. Both Becky and Serenity look adorable with their new face-ups. I love Serenity's new wig and it's so cool that they have sisters.

  2. They look wonderful! I love the big sisters, too. They are a very happy looking group. xoxo

  3. I never had sisters myself Dustbunnie, just brothers that seemed to make it their life's purpose to make me cry. I think it would have been nice to have a sister.

    Thanks Bearpicnic. I really enjoy dressing my dolls for the special holidays. Now that the crew is a lot bigger it's more of a daunting task though! I wonder if I'll be able to do a Valentine's theme come February?
