Sunday, January 06, 2013

Quite the Combination!

 Modelling today we have Morganna's body, Shannon's head, and Panalaya's wig.

Grape corset

This unusual combination was put together because I needed a small bust body to model a corset I made for a friend's doll. Morganna has the only small bust Minifee body I own, but her red hair and the colouring in her faceup clashed terribly with the grape purple of the corset. 

Grape corset

Panalaya's wig, on the other hand, went beautifully with the purple....but....she's "white skin" and that small bust body of Morganna's is "normal skin". 

Grape corset

So I nabbed Shannon's head, popped it on Morganna's body, and topped it with Panalaya's wig. A winning combination I think!

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