Saturday, February 01, 2014

Just --- Meh!

Here’s today’s weaving efforts:

Meh. 'tis okay I guess.

The first scarf is off the loom and wet finished. I just realized it’s not completely finished though. I still need to weave in the tails from the hem stitching.

Overall my feeling for the finished scarf is just a non-commital “Meh!”. It doesn’t do much for me. I used a fine grey merino/silk/cashmere laceweight yarn in an effort to tone down the colour of the warp, which I was feeling was a bit too gaudy. It looked okay on the loom but when it was wet finished the cashmere in the weft bloomed rather significantly and kind of took over more than I had wished.

With that in mind I am using a fine mercerized cotton to weave off the remainder of the warp.

second project, same warp

It’s allowing more of the original colour to show and also making for a lacier effect. I don’t know if there will be enough length here for a scarf or not. If not it will become --- um --- something else!

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