Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spring Hairdo

Hair adornment courtesy of 5 year old Kenzie, carefully placed lilac blossoms. Hair adornment courtesy of 5 year old Kenzie

Friday, April 25, 2014

Snail Trails 'n' Bunny Tails

Last week, in preparation for a guild meeting, I quickly warped up my small Ashford Sample-It Loom so I'd have something to do during the meeting. I just grabbed yarns I had on hand and that seemed to go together okay. I never did get around to posting pictures of the project on the loom. So here's what it looked like in progress:

Perked up plain weave

After I had worked on it for a while I realized that I had gotten the poof-ball yarn unevenly placed. I decided to remedy that by making it asymmetrical with an embellishment that is a straight line on one side and a wiggly snail trail on the other.

Snail Trails 'n' Bunny Tails

I'm quite pleased with the way the work around turned out.

Snail Trails 'n' Bunny Tails

I think the accent makes the scarf more interesting than it might otherwise be.

Snail Trails 'n' Bunny Tails

I named the finished scarf "Snail Trails 'n' Bunny Tails". If it passes inspection by the guild standards and is accepted it might make it to the guild's 40th Anniversary celebration. It will depend on how many entries they get I would imagine.

Out Walking in the Rain

All that lush green around here comes at a price.

Soggy walk, but still beautiful and peaceful.

We get a LOT of rain! The climate here is considered to be "Coastal Rain Forest" for a reason.

Soggy walk, but still beautiful and peaceful.

I don't mind walking in the rain though. The sound of rain on an umbrella is very peaceful, especially with birds still singing happily in the background.

Soggy walk, but still beautiful and peaceful.

Of course an umbrella only protects the upper half of one's body! I got soaked up to my knees.

Soggy walk, but still beautiful and peaceful.

It's a lovely walking route, a narrow park that runs along beside a stream.

Soggy walk, but still beautiful and peaceful.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tip of the Cookie-berg

This is just a small sample of the over 40 decorated sugar cookies I made today.

Only the tip of the cookie-berg.

I did photograph the rather impressive line up of cookies all sitting there looking so pretty, but I'm struggling with a new computer  (With an entirely different operating system! Aaaarrrghhh!)  and it's not playing nice with my good camera. So here you go, the 5 cookies I photographed with my iPhone so that my granddaughters could each pick their favourite colour before I pack up the remainder for the Chilliwack Spinners and Weavers Guild meeting tonight.

Upside Down

I was happy with the evening's progress on embroidery for a blouse --- until I realized the entire thing was upside down. Dang! Pick, pick, pickitty, pick.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Petal Fall

THIS is why my husband threatens to cut down the beautiful magnolia tree.

Petal fall

It's messy, but oh so beautiful too. I try to convince him to leave the petals on the ground for a bit because they look nice there, like a pink blanket. He's not convinced and will be out there raking them up the minute he gets home I'm sure. Honestly though, once they start decaying they can be very slippery. I wouldn't want the mail man to slip in our driveway and sue.

Monday, April 14, 2014

MY Mug

Around the house I like to have a mug that is distinctly mine, different from all the rest, because I just drink from the same mug all day and wash it at day's end.

MY mug

I spotted this little kit at Micheal's the other day and decided to make like an 8 year old and paint my own design.

As crafty as an 8 year old.

 Unfortunately the kit only has 4 colours to work with and they are all about the same intensity, no lights or darks, nor any white to create pastels, just your basic red, yellow, blue, and green.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Today's word prompt for the ADAD photo challenge is "Hidden".

ADAD - Hidden

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why Is It?!

Why is it that when I am needing perfectly peeled, boiled eggs for deviled eggs I have such a hard time peeling them and then end up with large chunks ripped out of the sides, yet when I'm just going to dice them up for a potatoe salad I get THIS, a dozen perfectly peeled eggs!!?

Why is it?


Pumpkin and Gourd wanted to do today's A Doll a Day prompt, which is "Pair".

ADAD - Pair

They are a pair of siblings, made from the same sculpt. In fact, Gourd was made from Pumpkin's sleeping faceplate. I had Ban Sidhe create eye openings for him and then give both of them a custom faceup.


They have been out climbing trees today.


It seems that whenever the two of them play together some sort of trouble is bound to occur.


Poor Shannon just sighs in exasperation and says, "You two are quite the pair!".

Wednesday, April 09, 2014


This is the view outside our living room window at this time of the year.


It's a beautiful, huge, magnolia tree that provides the house much needed shade during the hot summer days. My husband keeps threatening to cut it down. Admittedly it is a very messy tree. It sheds leaves, buds, petals, and stamens at various times of the year.


Today's word prompt for A Doll a Day is "Future". I really struggled with this one! I love the resulting photo though.

ADAD - Future

Zenawii is divining future weather patterns by consulting a globular life form native to his home planet.

Teaching Mariah

Mariah has asked him to give her a few pointers.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014


The ADAD theme for today is "Shadow". Good thing I took this one on April 1st when the sun was bright and low in the sky, because it's cloudy and grey today. Not much in the way of shadows happening I'm afraid.

ADAD - Shadow

I still prefer the one I took of Serenity a long time ago, so I'm reposting it here.

In the runway spotlight

Monday, April 07, 2014


Today's theme word for the A Doll a Day challenge is "Bare".


Penny was the only volunteer. Everyone else has heard the lectures about posting nude pictures on the internet.

Sunday, April 06, 2014


I decided to go with a different, more creative slant for the Doll a Day Challenge word "Light". Neelie is pretty certain that 3.3 ounces is pretty light.


Saturday, April 05, 2014

New Haircut

I was feeling a little braver than usual and tired of boring and safe, so I got a more modern, asymmetrical haircut today. It's parted quite deeply on the right, and that side is cut short, and then from the part it is swept to the left which is left longer. I just happen to have a more prominent silver streak right about where the part falls and combed this way the silver acts like highlights.

New asymmetrical haircut

I know my daughter-in-law hair dresser would love to dye my hair, and she does do an absolutely wonderful job of hair colour, but I'm just not a high maintenance kind of gal. I can't stand the look of roots growing out and constant hair touch ups are so not me. I'm much more comfortable going grey naturally.


Today's topic for A Doll a Day is "Friends".

I took this photo for the challenge,

2014.04.05 - FRIEND

---- but I have other, older photos that fit the "Friends" theme too, and I actually like them better so let's revisit them.

Comforting the newcomer.

"Crib Life" outfits fit Pukifee!
Two Shy Girls

Friday, April 04, 2014

Kiss X 2

For the ADAD challenge I had a difficult time choosing between these two photos. In the end the first one posted here won out simply because it was the most original interpretation of the topic of "Kiss".


But I like this one too. Shannon did a sneak kiss-attack on her son, Gourd. He put up a bit of a fuss, but secretly liked it I think, as long as she doesn't do it in public!

2014.04.04 - Mom's kiss

Thursday, April 03, 2014


The topic for April 3 in the Doll a Day Challenge is "Bloom".

I rarely ever buy flowers but I went out and bought this small sprig just for the purpose of taking photos for the challenge.

2014.04.03 Bloom

Peanut got to do today's photo shoot because she was already dressed in pink And just look at those cute little petal-pink lips. This first photo is the one I chose for the challenge.

Outtakes for "Bloom"

The other photos here are just "outtakes" that I liked but didn't choose.

Outtakes for "Bloom"

I'm quite enjoying this "A Doll a Day" challenge. It is helping me to enjoy my dolls more, posing them, working with them and so forth.

Outtakes for "Bloom"

I'm also using my camera more, experimenting with a small amount of editing. Then there is the side benefit that it's giving me more "blog fodder" for daily updates and giving me something to post in doll forums. A win all around. I'm glad I decided to participate.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Spring in Chilliwack

I was out for a walk this morning and couldn't resist taking a few pictures for relatives further north and for the unfortunate friends living in the east that are still dealing with snow.

It's Spring in Chilliwack.

For those who don't recognize them, that's "petal flurries" on the ground, not snow flakes.  ;-P

It's Spring in Chilliwack.

It wasn't hard at all to get out there and get my 10,000 steps today. Anyone out there also a FitBit user?

It's Spring in Chilliwack.

Welcome to a beautiful day in my neighbourhood!

It's Spring in Chilliwack.


April 2 - A Doll a Day Challenge - Morning


Tuesday, April 01, 2014

A Doll a Day

I'm participating in a Flickr group challenge, "A Doll a Day". The idea is that you post a picture of a doll every single day. Which particular doll doesn't matter, and although there is a suggested list of topics, it's not necessary to stick to them if you have other ideas.

A Doll A Day List

Today, April 1st, the listed topic is "First". A natural would be to post a picture of my first ball jointed doll, Peanut, but while I was attempting to capture a picture of a sunrise (which never actually happened) I ended up getting this picture of my Zenawii, my Fairyland Minifee Yder, which I titled,

"Morning's First Light".

morning's first light

It wasn't until after loading it to the group that I realized it does actually fit the topic of "first".

Here's a couple more from the same photo shoot:

deep in thought

He seems pretty comfortable in the pants and t-shirt I sewed for him.

an unfocussed gaze