Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Spring in Chilliwack

I was out for a walk this morning and couldn't resist taking a few pictures for relatives further north and for the unfortunate friends living in the east that are still dealing with snow.

It's Spring in Chilliwack.

For those who don't recognize them, that's "petal flurries" on the ground, not snow flakes.  ;-P

It's Spring in Chilliwack.

It wasn't hard at all to get out there and get my 10,000 steps today. Anyone out there also a FitBit user?

It's Spring in Chilliwack.

Welcome to a beautiful day in my neighbourhood!

It's Spring in Chilliwack.


  1. Those pictures are lovely! You live in such a picturesque area.... we have less snow now, but are entering the "mostly mud" phase. Can't wait for Spring to get here! Thanks for sharing yours... :)

  2. The lawns are still rather muddy in places here too, Randomfish. We don't get much snow but we DO get a lot of rain.
