Wednesday, July 30, 2014

All Done

I came to the end of the "Lady in Red" warp.

The End

I pulled over 14’ (4.3m) of vibrant red weaving from the loom! I love it!

Before wet finishing.

I then spent a considerable amount of time sitting and twisting fringe while I listened to an online energy healing talk. Interestingly, much of what I listened to had to do with the Root Chakra which is commonly represented by the colour red.

Distraction Helped

The yardage is in the washer for the first stage of wet finishing now. Obviously there is more than enough to make the simple vest I have planned, even though I will have to seam it because my fabric is only 13.5" (40cm) wide prewashing.

Fringe Twisted


  1. Lovely yardage! Looking forward to seeing the vest.

  2. Wow! You are so quick at that! I'm looking forward to seeing the final vest - the fabric looks lovely! :)
