Monday, January 19, 2015

End of Warp Hat

A while ago I warped my loom with enough length for 2 scarves “and then some”. When I had the two scarves woven and cut from the loom the “and then some” sat for a month or more not really inspiring me, but not wanting to be cut free and tossed in the scraps bin either. I finally got around to just weaving off that remaining bit. Before constructing my hat I forgot to measure the finished length of the weaving, but it was definitely too short for a third scarf.

Here’s what I came up with:

Woven SAORI hat with knitted brim and crown.

I think it probably has elements in common with the “No-Sew” Saori hat, but I've never seen the directions for those so I’m not sure. I pulled the selvedge threads on both sides of the finished weaving, to gather it, and then I tied the fringes from both ends together and twisted them. From there I think my project differs from the No Sew Saori Hat.

I went along the front edge with a circular knitting needle picking up a stitch in each weft loop (but behind the outermost warp thread in case the weft pulled loose) and then I knitted a ribbed band.

Woven SAORI hat with knitted brim and crown.

My weaving wasn't wide enough to fully close at the top and I had a gap, so I also picked up stitches around the hole and decreased like you would for the top of a knitted beanie.

Woven SAORI hat with knitted brim and crown.

Of course because this hat was made from the end of a scarf warp I do have a scarf that matches it.

Woven SAORI hat with knitted brim and crown.


  1. Not sure how you did this, but it is fabulous.

  2. I'm glad you like it Laura. This was just the first. I have made many others since then. Here's a couple of links to others.

  3. Can I buy a few? I love this color and would like to see what others you have!

  4. Thanks for your interest. This is just a hobby for me, not a vocation, so I don't keep stock or take commissions. I have many hobbies and just do what interests me from day to day. I sell whatever excess that I might have each year through the Chilliwack Spinners and Weavers Guild booth at the Chilliwack Christmas Craft Fair.

  5. Thank you for sharing this Marlene. I had a go at making one and really love it! It helps having a beret as a template too. All the best!
