Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I. Can't. Stop.

No, seriously, this new obsession is becoming a bit of an addiction. It's hard to walk away! I'm loving every minute of working on this, and when I'm not working on it I'm thinking about it, dreaming about it, and planning my next 'move'.

I guess it could be worse. At least other than the occasional pricked finger this addiction is not dangerous or unhealthy.

Since my last post on the subject my first Crazy Quilt block has had a few visitors arrive.

I think Spidee needs a web.

First Spidee moved in. She's hanging out there on the second yellow flower from the right. I made her with 3 tiny beads and a few straight stitches. She's a lot smaller than she appears in the picture. 

Apparently it's traditional to have a spider present somewhere on a Crazy Quilt. It's supposed to bring good luck to the stitcher. Some sources even go so far as to say that a Crazy Quilt is not complete without one. 

So I had a spider, but she did not look 'at home' without a web, so I added a web in her little corner of the world block.

Her web -- and a potential meal!

I also provided Spidee with a potential meal -- or three. They are sitting on the next two flowers over. They are super tiny BEADles. >snork< Pun intended!

This morning I have finished the final seamline in the first block with a ribbon decorated with Featherstitch and a simple flower motif trim couched in place and then decorated with Ermine stitch.

Couching, Featherstitch, Ermine stitch.

With all the seams covered the block was potentially "finished", but could I stop there? No. As I said, it's become a bit of an addiction. After fussing trying to keep my row of Featherstitch straight and even I couldn't help but eye the lightly striped fabric in one of the other sections. Yes, yes, there was much potential there for working Featherstitch. Behold --

More Featherstitch.

And of course you know, doing that made me look at all the other sections and start pondering those too! Now they look sort of incomplete and naked 'er somethin'.

Anyway, I'm not quite ready to call this first block "finished", but I will admit that it's time to move on and get the second block started. I may yet be back working on 'filling in' this first block later. Here's how it looks for now though.

The whole first block.

If I've remembered to record everything, this block includes:

  • Straight stitch
  • Back stitch
  • Stem stitch
  • Lazy daisy stitch (detached chain stitch)
  • Blanket stitch (buttonhole stitch)
  • Herringbone stitch
  • French knot
  • Basque knot
  • Chain stitch zigzag
  • Scroll stitch
  • Cretan stitch
  • Colonial knot
  • Fly stitch
  • Vandyke stitch
  • Double knot stitch
  • Feather stitch
  • Ermine stitch

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