Friday, April 24, 2015

Mauled at the Border Crossing

Elfonda's home, but she had a rough trip. Canada Customs had their way with her and they were NOT gentle!

Customs Canada had their way with her.

The box arrived with the terrifying "opened for inspection by Canada Customs" tape all over it. And, by the looks of her, Elfonda went through quite the ordeal. Clearly the person or persons doing the inspection had no understanding of the delicate handling require for expensive customized dolls.

Elfonda had been shipped well cushioned and with a face protector. When I opened the box I found the face protector crammed in beside her and her face was tightly wound with tissue that completely smooshed her eyelashes, threw her custom made alpaca wig into disarray and deposited white tissue fuzz all over her Soft Glas eyes.

Luckily I have her all sorted out now and it doesn't seem any really permanent damage has resulted from her rough handling and inappropriate repackaging.

Loving this girl!

I had spare lashes laying around from an earlier purchase. and they worked out far better for Elfonda than they had for Peanut. It was a very fiddly hassle to install them, but I'm pleased with the way they look now.

Custom faceup and wig

I'm really happy with her! Zenawii couldn't wish for a prettier wife. I love her unique look.

Elfonda's back!

Her wig was custom made by Ban Sidhe from the fibre of two different alpacas. Even within those two sources there were subtle variations, so Elfonda has a lovely natural look to her hair colour.

Needing a wardrobe enhancement

She informs me that, as Elfonda Schelf the Christmas Elf, she needs a wardrobe of bold, bright, cheerful colours even in her off season (which is from January 15 to November 15). My other Minifees were more inclined to wear pastel, muted, or earthy colours, so this is going to be a challenge and requires a bit of sewing and knitting. Lucky for me she is content to remain in this one outfit while she recovers from her Customs ordeal.

Recovering from her Customs ordeal.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad she wasn't damaged. I love the shape of her face and those beautiful eyes! She is rockin' those pants too! :)
